English dictionary of medical terms (24)
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No:460 - dendritic
1. branched like a tree. 2. pertaining to or possessing dendrites.
No:461 - dental plaque
a soft, thin film of food debris, mucin, and dead epithelial cells
deposited on the teeth, providing the medium for the growth of
various bacteria. The main inorganic components are calcium and
phosphorus with small amounts of magnesium, potassium, and sodium;
the organic matrix consists of polysaccharides, proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids, and other components. Plaque plays an
important etiologic role in the development of dental caries and
periodontal and gingival diseases and provides the base for the
development of materia alba; calcified plaque forms dental
No:462 - dentition
(L. dentitio) the teeth in the dental arch; ordinarily used to
designate the natural teeth in position in their alveoli.
No:463 - dependent
exhibiting dependence or dependency.
No:464 - depersonalization
alteration in the perception of the self so that the usual sense of
one's own reality is lost, manifested in a sense of unreality or
self-estrangement, in changes of body image, or in a feeling that
one does not control his own actions and speech; seen in
depersonalization disorder, schizophrenic disorders, and
schizotypal personality disorder. Some do not draw a distinction
between depersonalization and derealization, using
depersonalization to include both.
No:465 - depigmentation
(de- + pigmentation) removal or loss of pigment, especially
No:466 - depletion
(L. deplere to empty) 1. the act or process of emptying; removal of
a fluid, as the blood. 2. exhausted state which results from
excessive loss of blood.
No:467 - depolarization
the process or act of neutralizing polarity. In neurophysiology,
the reversal of the resting potential in excitable cell membranes
when stimulated, i.e., the tendency of the cell membrane potential
to become positive with respect to the potential outside the cell.
No:468 - depression
- (L. depremere to press down) 1. a lowering or decrease of
functional activity. 2. a mental state of depressed mood
characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement.
Depression ranges from normal feelings of 'the blues' through
dysthymia to major depression. It in many ways resembles the grief
and mourning that follow bereavement; there are often feelings of
low self-esteem; guilt, and self-reproach, withdrawal from
interpersonal contact, and somatic symptoms such as eating and
sleep disturbances.
No:469 - deprivation
(L. de from + privare to remove) loss or absence of parts, organs,
powers, or things that are needed.
No:470 - derivative
a chemical substance derived from another substance either directly
or by modification or partial substitution.
No:471 - dermatitis
(dermato- + -itis) inflammation of the skin.
No:472 - dermatologic, dermatological
pertaining to dermatology; of or affecting the skin.
No:473 - dermatomycosis
(dermato- + Gr. mykes fungus) a superficial infection of the skin
or its appendages by fungi. The term includes dermatophytosis and
the various clinical forms of tinea, as well as deep fungous
infections. Called also epidermomycosis.
No:474 - dermatophytosis
(dermatophyte + -osis) any superficial fungal infection caused by
a dermatophyte and involving the stratum corneum of the skin, hair,
and nails. The term broadly comprises onychophytosis and the
various form of tinea (ringworm), sometimes being used specifically
to designate tinea pedis (athlete's foot). Called also
No:475 - dermatosis
(dermat- + -osis) any skin disease, especially one not
characterized by inflammation.
No:476 - dermographia
a condition in which pressure or friction on the skin gives rise to
a transient raised usually reddish mark so that a word traced on
the skin becomes visible.
No:477 - desensitization
the prevention or reduction of immediate hypersensitivity reactions
by administration of graded doses of allergen; called also
hyposensitization and immunotherapy.
No:478 - desquamation
(L. de from + squama scale) the shedding of epithelial elements,
chiefly of the skin, in scales or small sheets; exfoliation.
No:479 - detection
act of detecting, discovery; the laying open of what was concealed
or hidden or of what tends to elude observation.
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