English dictionary of medical terms (42)
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No:820 - hypogonadism
a condition resulting from or characterized by abnormally decreased
functional activity of the gonads, with retardation of growth and
sexual development.
No:821 - hypokalaemia
abnormally low potassium concentration in the blood; it may result
from potassium loss by renal secretion or by the gastrointestinal
route, as by vomiting or diarrhoea. It may be manifested
clinically by neuromuscular disorders ranging from weakness to
paralysis, by electrocardiographic abnormalities (depression of the
T wave and elevation of the U wave), by renal disease, and by
gastrointestinal disorders.
No:822 - hypomania
(hypo- + Gr. mania madness) an abnormality of mood resembling mania
(persistent elevated or expansive mood, hyperactivity, inflated
self-esteem, etc.) but of lesser intensity.
No:823 - hypophyseal
No:824 - hypoplasia
(hypo- + Gr. plasis formation + -ia) incomplete development or
underdevelopment of an organ or tissue.
No:825 - hypotension
abnormally low blood pressure; seen in shock but not necessarily
indicative of it.
No:826 - hypotensive
characterized by or causing diminished tension or pressure, as
abnormally low blood pressure.
No:827 - hypothalamic
of or involving the hypothalamus.
No:828 - hypothermia
(hypo- + Gr. therm heat + -ia) a low body temperature, as that due
to exposure in cold weather or a state of low temperature of the
body induced as a means of decreasing metabolism of tissues and
thereby the need for oxygen, as used in various surgical
procedures, especially on the heart, or in an excised organ being
preserved for transplantation.
No:829 - hypothesis
a supposition that appears to explain a group of phenomena and is
advanced as a basis for further investigation; a proposition that
is subject to proof or to an experimental or statistical test.
No:830 - hypothyroidism
deficiency of thyroid activity. In adults, it is most common in
women and is characterized by decrease in basal metabolic rate,
tiredness and lethargy, sensitivity to cold, and menstrual
disturbances. If untreated, it progresses to full-blown myxoedema.
In infants, severe hypothyroidism leads to cretinism. In
juveniles, the manifestations are intermediate, with less severe
mental and developmental retardation and only mild symptoms of the
adult form. When due to pituitary deficiency of thyrotropin
secretion it is called secondary hypothyroidism.
No:831 - hypotonia
(hypo- + Gr. tonos tone + -ia) a condition of diminished tone of
the skeletal muscles; diminished resistance of muscles to passive
No:832 - hypotrophy
(hypo- + Gr. troph nutrition) abiotrophy.
No:833 - hypouricaemia
deficiency of uric acid in the blood, along with xanthinuria, due
to deficiency of xanthine oxidase, the enzyme required for
conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine and of xanthine to uric
No:834 - hypoventilation
a state in which there is a reduced amount of air entering the
pulmonary alveoli.
No:835 - hypovitaminosis
a condition due to a deficiency of one or more essential vitamins.
No:836 - hypovolaemia
(hypo- + volume + Gr. haima blood + -ia) abnormally decreased
volume of circulating fluid (plasma) in the body.
No:837 - hypoxemia
(hypo- + oxygen + Gr. haima blood + -ia) deficient oxygenation of
the blood; hypoxia.
No:838 - hypoxia
reduction of oxygen supply to tissue below physiological levels
despite adequate perfusion of the tissue by blood. Cf. anoxia.
No:839 - hysterectomy
(hystero- + Gr. ektom excision) the operation of excising the
uterus, performed either through the abdominal wall (abdominal h.)
or through the vagina (vaginal h.)
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