English dictionary of medical terms (49)
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No:960 - keloid
(Gr. kl tumour + eidos form) a sharply elevated, irregularly-
shaped, progressively enlarging scar due to the formation of
excessive amounts of collagen in the corium during connective
tissue repair.
No:961 - keratitis
(kerat- + -itis) inflammation of the cornea. Cf.
No:962 - keratoconjunctivitis
(kerato- + conjunctivitis) inflammation of the cornea and
No:963 - keratolytic
an agent that promotes keratolysis.
No:964 - ketoacidosis
acidosis accompanied by the accumulation of ketone bodies (ketosis)
in the body tissues and fluids, as in diabetic acidosis.
No:965 - kinetic
(Gr. kintikos) pertaining to or producing motion.
No:966 - koilonychia
(koilo- + onyx nail + -ia) dystrophy of the fingernails, sometimes
associated with iron deficiency anaemia, in which they are thin and
concave, with the edges raises; called also spoon nail.
No:967 - labile
(L. labilis unstable, from labi to glide) 1. gliding; moving from
point to point over the surface; unstable; fluctuating. 2.
chemically unstable.
No:968 - laceration
(L. laceratio) 1. the act of tearing. 2. a torn, ragged, mangled
No:969 - lacrimal
pertaining to the tears.
No:970 - lactation
(L. lactatio, from lactare to suckle) the period of the secretion
of milk.
No:971 - laryngitis
inflammation of the larynx, a condition attended with dryness and
soreness of the throat, hoarseness, cough and dysphagia.
No:972 - lassitude
(L. lassitudo weariness) weakness; exhaustion.
No:973 - latent period
a seemingly inactive period, as that between exposure of tissue to
an injurious agent and the manifestation of response, or that
between the instant of stimulation and the beginning of response.
No:974 - lateral
(L. lateralis) 1. denoting a position farther from the median plane
or midline of the body or of a structure. 2. pertaining to a side.
No:975 - laxative
(L. laxativus) an agent that acts to promote evacuation of the
bowel; a cathartic or purgative.
No:976 - lenticular
- (L. lenticularis) 1. pertaining to or shaped like a lens. 2.
pertaining to the crystalline lens. 3. pertaining to the
lenticular nucleus.
No:977 - lesion
(L. laesio; laedere to hurt) any pathological or traumatic
discontinuity of tissue or loss of function of a part.
No:978 - lethal
(L. lethalis, from lethum death) deadly, fatal.
No:979 - lethargy
(Gr. lthargia drowsiness) abnormal drowsiness or stupor; a
condition of indifference.
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