English dictionary of medical terms (64)
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No:1260 - paradoxical
occurring at variance with the normal rule.
No:1261 - paraesthesia
(para- + Gr. aisthsis perception) morbid or perverted sensation;
an abnormal sensation, as burning, prickling, formication, etc.
No:1262 - parallel
1. pertaining to straight lines or planes that do not intersect.
2. pertaining to electric circuit components connected 'in
parallel' so that the current flow divides, each branch passing
through one component, and rejoins; applied by extension to any
similar parallel circuit, e.g. the systemic circulation to the
various organs.
No:1263 - paralysis
(para- + Gr. lyein to loosen) loss or impairment of motor function
in a part due to lesion of the neural or muscular mechanism; also
by analogy, impairment of sensory function (sensory paralysis). In
addition to the types named below, paralysis is further
distinguished as traumatic, syphilitic, toxic, etc., according to
its cause; or as obturator, ulnar, etc., according to the nerve
part, or muscle specially affected.
No:1264 - parameter
(para- + meter) a variable whose measure is indicative of a
quantity or function that cannot itself be precisely determined by
direct methods; e.g., blood pressure and pulse rate are parameters
of cardiovascular function, and the level of glucose in blood and
urine is a parameter of carbohydrate metabolism.
No:1265 - paranoia
(Gr. 'madness, delirium, a mind 'beside itself'', from para- +
noein to think) a psychotic disorder marked by persistent delusions
of persecution or delusional jealousy and behaviour like that of
the paranoid personality, such as suspiciousness, mistrust, and
combativeness. It differs from paranoid schizophrenia, in which
hallucinations or formal thought disorder are present, in that the
delusions are logically consistent and that there are no other
psychotic features. The designation in DSM III-R is delusional
(paranoid) disorders, with five types : persecutory, jealous,
erotomanic, somatic, and grandiose.
No:1266 - paraplegia
(para- + Gr. plg stroke + -ia) paralysis of the legs and lower
part of the body.
No:1267 - parasitic
(Gr. parasitikos) pertaining to, of the nature of, or caused by a
No:1268 - parasympathomimetic
(parasympathetic + Gr. mimtikos imitative) 1. producing effects
resembling those of stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve supply
to a part. 2. an agent that produces effects similar to those
produced by stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves. Called also
No:1269 - parathyroid
(para- + thyroid) 1. situated beside the thyroid gland. 2. one of
the parathyroid glands. 3. a sterile preparation of the water-soluble principle(s) of the parathyroid glands, ad-ministered
parenterally as an antihypocalcaemic, especially in the treatment
of acute hypoparathyroidism with tetany.
No:1270 - paravenous
beside a vein.
No:1271 - parenchyma
(Gr. 'anything poured in beside') the essential elements of an
organ; used in anatomical nomenclature as a general term to
designate the functional elements of an organ, as distinguished
from its framework, or stroma.
No:1272 - parenteral
(para- + Gr. enteron intestine) not through the alimentary canal
but rather by injection through some other route, as subcutaneous,
intramuscular, intraorbital, intracapsular, intraspinal,
intrasternal, intravenous, etc.
No:1273 - paresis
(Gr. 'relaxation') slight or incomplete paralysis.
No:1274 - parietal
(L. parietalis) 1. of or pertaining to the walls of a cavity. 2.
pertaining to or located near the parietal bone, as the parietal
No:1275 - parkinsonism
a group of neurological disorders characterized by hypokinesia,
tremor, and muscular rigidity.
No:1276 - paronychia
(para Gr. onyx nail + -ia) inflammation involving the folds of
tissue surrounding the nail. Called also perionychia.
No:1277 - parotitis
inflammation of the parotid gland. Called also parotiditis.
No:1278 - paroxysmal
recurring in paroxysms (= spasms or seizures).
No:1279 - particle
(L. particula, dim. of pars part) a tiny mass of material.
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