English dictionary of medical terms (67)
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No:1320 - pertussis
(L. per intensive + tussis cough) an acute, highly contagious
infection of the respiratory tract, most frequently affecting young
children, usually caused by Bordetella pertussis; a similar illness
has been associated with infection by B. parapertussis and B.
bronchiseptica. It is characterized by a catarrhal stage,
beginning after an incubation period of about two weeks, with
slight fever, sneezing, running at the nose, and a dry cough. In
a week or two the paroxysmal stage begins, with the characteristic
paroxysmal cough, consisting of a deep inspiration, followed by a
series of quick, short coughs, continuing until the air is expelled
from the lungs; the close of the paroxysm is marked by a long-drawn, shrill, whooping inspiration, due to spasmodic closure of
the glottis. This stage lasts three to four weeks, after which the
convalescent stage begins, in which paroxysms grow less frequent
and less violent, and finally cease. Called also whooping cough.
No:1321 - perversion
(L. per through + versio a turning) a turning aside from the normal
course; a morbid alteration of function which may occur in
emotional, intellectual, or volitional fields. In psychiatry,
sexual deviation.
No:1322 - pessary
(L. pessarium) 1. an instrument placed in the vagina to support
the uterus or rectum or as a contraceptive device. 2. a medicated
vaginal suppository.
No:1323 - petechia
a pinpoint, nonraised, perfectly round, purplish red spot caused by
intradermal or submucous haemorrhage. Cf. ecchymosis.
No:1324 - petit mal
(Fr. 'little illness') see under epilepsy.
No:1325 - pH
the symbol relating the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration or activity
of a solution to that of a given standard solution. Numerically
the pH is approximately equal to the negative logarithm of H+
concentration expressed in molarity. pH 7 is neutral; above it
alkalinity increases and below it acidity increases.
No:1326 - phagocytosis
endocytosis of particulate material, such as microorganisms or cell
fragments. The material is taken into the cell in membrane-bound
vesicles (phagosomes) that originate as pinched off invaginations
of the plasma membrane. Phagosomes fuse with lysosomes, forming
phagolysosomes in which the engulfed material is killed and
No:1327 - phallic
(Gr. phallikos) pertaining to the phallus, or penis.
No:1328 - pharmaceutical
1. pertaining to pharmacy or to drugs. 2. a medicinal drug.
No:1329 - pharmacodynamics
(pharmaco + Gr. dynamis power) the study of the biochemical and
physiological effects of drugs and the mechanisms of their actions,
including the correlation of actions and effects of drugs with
their chemical structure; also, such effects on the actions of a
particular drug or drugs.
No:1330 - pharmacokinetics
the action of drugs in the body over a period of time, including
the processes of absorption, distribution, localization in tissues,
biotransformation, and excretion.
No:1331 - pharmacologic
pertaining to pharmacology or to the properties and reactions of
No:1332 - pharmacon
(Gr. pharmakon) a drug.
No:1333 - pharyngitis
(pharyngo- + -itis) inflammation of the pharynx.
No:1334 - phase
(Gr. phasis an appearance) any one of the varying aspects or stages
through which a disease or process may pass.
No:1335 - phenomenon
(Gr. phainomenon thing seen) any sign or objective symptom; any
observable occurrence or fact.
No:1336 - phlebitis
(phleb- + -itis) inflammation of a vein. The condition is marked
by infiltration of the coats of the vein and the formation of a
thrombus. The disease is attended by edema, stiffness, and pain in
the affected part, and in the septic variety by pyemic symptoms.
No:1337 - phlebography
(phlebo- + Gr. graphein to write) 1. roentgenography of a vein or
veins by use of contrast medium. 2. the graphic recording of the
venous pulse.
No:1338 - phobia
(Gr. phobos fear + -ia) a persistent, irrational, intense fear of
a specific object, activity, or situation (the phobic stimulus),
fear that is recognized as being excessive or unreasonable by the
individual himself. When a phobia is a significant source of
distress or interferes with social functioning, it is considered a
mental disorder; phobic disorder (or neurosis). In DSM III phobic
disorders are subclassified as agoraphobia, social phobias, and
simple phobias. Used as a word termination denoting irrational
fear of or aversion to the subject indicated by the stem to which
it is affixed.
No:1339 - photophobia
(photo- + phobia) abnormal visual intolerance of light.
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