English dictionary of medical terms (69)
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No:1360 - polymorphic
(poly- + Gr. morph form) occurring in several or many forms;
appearing in different forms at different stages of development.
No:1361 - polyneuritis
(poly- + Gr. neuron nerve + -itis) inflammation of many nerves at
once; multiple or disseminated, neuritis.
No:1362 - polypeptide
(poly- + peptide) a peptide which on hydrolysis yields more than
two amino acids; called tripeptides, tetrapeptides, etc. according
to the number of amino acids contained.
No:1363 - polytherapy
a therapy which uses more than one drug.
No:1364 - polyuria
(poly- + Gr. ouron urine + -ia) the passage of a large volume of
urine in a given period, a characteristic of diabetes.
No:1365 - polyvalent
having more than one valence.
No:1366 - population
(L. populatio, from populus people) 1. in genetics, a stable group
of randomly interbreeding individuals. 2. in statistics, the set
of objects or individuals from which a random sample is drawn.
No:1367 - porphyria
a pathological state in man and some lower animals that is often
due to genetic factors, is characterized by abnormalities of
porphyrin metabolism, and results in the excretion of large
quantities of porphyrins in the urine and in extreme sensitivity to
No:1368 - positive
(L. positivus) having a value greater than zero; indicating
existence or presence of a condition, organism, etc. as chromatin
positive or Wassermann positive; characterized by affirmation or
No:1369 - posterior
(L. 'behind'; neut. posterius) situated in back of, or in the back
part of, or affecting the back or dorsal surface of the body. In
lower animals, it refers to the caudal end of the body.
No:1370 - postmenopausal
occurring after the menopause.
No:1371 - postnatal
occurring after birth, with reference to the newborn. Cf.
No:1372 - postoperative
occurring after a surgical operation.
No:1373 - post partum
after childbirth, or after delivery.
No:1374 - postprandial
occurring after dinner, or after a meal; postcibal.
No:1375 - post-traumatic
occurring as a result of or after injury.
No:1376 - postural
pertaining to posture or position.
No:1377 - potency
(L. potentia power) power, especially (1) the ability of the male
to perform sexual intercourse, (2) the power of a medicinal agent
to produce the desired effects (3) the ability of an embryonic part
to develop and complete its destiny.
No:1378 - potential
(L. potential power) existing and ready for action but not yet
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