English dictionary of medical terms (74)

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[Multilingual]No:1460 - pyrogenic
(pyro- + Gr. gennan to produce) inducing fever.
[Multilingual]No:1461 - pyrosis
(Gr. pyrosis burning) heartburn.
[Multilingual]No:1462 - QRS complex
usually cap Q & R & S : the deflections in an electrocardiographic tracing and represent ventricular activity of the hearth.
[Multilingual]No:1463 - interval
(inter- + L. vallum rampart) the space between two objects or parts; the lapse of time between two recurrences or paroxysms.
[Multilingual]No:1464 - qualitative, qualitive
(L. qualitativus) pertaining to quality.
[Multilingual]No:1465 - quantitative
(L. quantitativus) denoting or expressible as quantity; relating to the proportionate quantities or to the amount of the constituents of a compound.
[Multilingual]No:1466 - quaternary
(L. quaternarius, from quattuor four) 1. fourth in order. 2. containing four elements or groups.
[Multilingual]No:1467 - quiescent
(L. quiescent pres. part. of quiescere, to be silent) marked by a state of inactivity or repose.
[Multilingual]No:1468 - radioactivity
the quality of emitting or the emission of corpuscular or electromagnetic radiations consequent to nuclear disintegration, a natural property of all chemical elements of atomic number above 83, and possible of induction in all other known elements.
[Multilingual]No:1469 - radiography
(radio- + Gr. graphein to write) the making of film records (radiographs) of internal structures of the body by passage of x-rays or gamma rays through the body to act on specially sensitized film.
[Multilingual]No:1470 - radiologic, radiological
pertaining to radiology.
[Multilingual]No:1471 - radiotherapy
(radio- + Gr. therapeia cure) the treatment of disease by ionizing radiation.
[Multilingual]No:1472 - raucousness
(L. raucus hoarse) the quality or state of being raucous.
[Multilingual]No:1473 - Raynaud's phenomenon
(Maurice Raynaud, French physician, 1834-1881) intermittent bilateral attacks of ischemia of the fingers or toes and sometimes of the ears or nose, marked by severe pallor, and often accompanied by paraesthesia and pain; it is brought on characteristically by cold or emotional stimuli and relieved by heat, and is due to an underlying disease or anatomical abnormality. When the condition is idiopathic or primary it is termed Raynaud's disease.
[Multilingual]No:1474 - reabsorption
1. the act or process of absorbing again, as the selective absorption by the kidneys of substances (glucose, proteins, sodium, etc.) already secreted into the renal tubules, and their return to the circulating blood. 2. resorption.
[Multilingual]No:1475 - reaction
(re- + L. agere to act) 1. the phenomena caused by the action of chemical agents; a chemical process in which one substance is transformed into another substance or substances. 2. in psychology, the mental and/or emotional state elicited in response to any particular situation.
[Multilingual]No:1476 - reactivation
the restoration of activity to something that has been inactivated.
[Multilingual]No:1477 - reactivity
the process or property of reacting.
[Multilingual]No:1478 - reagent
(re- + L. agere to act) a substance employed to produce a chemical reaction so as to detect, measure, produce, etc., other substances.
[Multilingual]No:1479 - rebound effect
the characteristic of a drug to produce reverse effects when either the effect of the drug has passed, or when the patient no longer responds to the drug.

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