English dictionary of medical terms (79)
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No:1560 - sclerosis
(Gr. sklrosis hardness) a induration, or hardening; especially
hardening of a part from inflammation and in diseases of the
interstitial substance. The term is used chiefly for such a
hardening of the nervous system due to hyperplasia of the
connective tissue or to designate hardening of the blood vessels.
No:1561 - scotoma
(Gr. skotoma) 1. an area of lost or depressed vision within the
visual field, surrounded by an area of less depressed or of normal
vision. 2. mental s.
No:1562 - seborrhoea
(L. sebum suet + Gr. rhoia flow) 1. excessive secretion of sebum;
called also hypersteatosis 2. seborrhoeic dermatitis.
No:1563 - secondary
(L. secundarius; secundus second) second or inferior in order of
time, place, or importance; derived from or consequent to a primary
event or thing.
No:1564 - secretion
(L. secretio, from secernere to secrete) 1. the process of
elaborating a specific product as a result of the activity of a
gland; this activity may range from separating a specific substance
of the blood to the elaboration of a new chemical substance. 2.
any substance produced by secretion.
No:1565 - sedative
(L. sedativus) 1. allaying activity and excitement. 2. an agent
that allays excitement.
No:1566 - sedentary
(L. sedentarius) 1. sitting habitually; of inactive habits. 2.
pertaining to a sitting posture.
No:1567 - sediment
(L. sedimentum) a precipitate, especially one that is formed
No:1568 - sedimentation
the act of causing the deposit of sediment, especially by the use
of a centrifugal machine.
No:1569 - segment
(L. segmentum a piece cut off) a portion of a larger body or
structure, set off by natural or arbitrarily established
No:1570 - selectivity
in pharmacology, the degree to which a dose of a drug produces the
desired effect in relation to adverse effects.
No:1571 - semisynthetic
produced by chemical manipulation of naturally occurring
No:1572 - senility
old age; the physical and mental deterioration associated with old
No:1573 - sensitization
1. administration of antigen to induce a primary immune response;
priming; immunization. 2. exposure to allergen that results in the
development of hypersensitivity. 3. the coating of erythrocytes
with antibody so that they are subject to lysis by complement in
the presence of homologous antigen, the first stage of a complement
fixation test.
No:1574 - sensory
(L. sensorius) pertaining to or subserving sensation.
No:1575 - septic
(septic + Gr. sptikos) produced by or due to decomposition by
microorganisms; putrefactive.
No:1576 - septicemia
(septic + Gr. haima blood + -ia) systemic disease associated with
the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms or their
toxins in the blood. Called also blood poisoning.
No:1577 - septum
a dividing wall or partition; (NA) a general term for such a
structure. The term is often used alone to refer to the septal
area or to the septum pellucidum.
No:1578 - sequela
any lesion or affection following or caused by an attack of
No:1579 - sequestrum
a piece of dead bone that has become separated during the process
of necrosis from the sound bone.
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