English dictionary of medical terms (81)
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No:1600 - soufffle
(Fr. 'a puff'; L. sufflare to blow) a soft, blowing, auscultatory
sound; called also bruid de soufflet and bellows murmur.
No:1601 - spasm
(L. spasmus; Gr. spasmos) 1. a sudden, violent, involuntary
contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles, attended by pain and
interference with function, producing involuntary movement and
distortion. 2. a sudden but transitory constriction of a passage,
canal or orifice.
No:1602 - spasmodic
(Gr. spasmods) of the nature of a spasm.
No:1603 - spasmolytic
checking spasms; antispasmodic.
No:1604 - spastic
(Gr. spastikos) 1. of the nature of or characterized by spasms. 2.
hypertonic, so that the muscles are stiff and the movements
awkward. 3. a person exhibiting spasticity, such as occurs in
spastic paralysis or in cerebral palsy.
No:1605 - spasticity
a state of hypertonicity, or increase over the normal tone of a
muscle, with heightened deep tendon reflexes.
No:1606 - species
a taxonomic category subordinate to a genus (or subgenus) and
superior to a subspecies or variety, composed of individuals
possessing common characters distinguishing them from other
categories of individuals of the same taxonomic level. In
taxonomic nomenclature, species are designated by the genus name
followed by a Latin or Latinized adjective or noun.
No:1607 - specific
(L. specificus) 1. pertaining to a species. 2. produces by a
single kind of microorganism. 3. a remedy specially indicated for
any particular disease. 4. in immunology, pertaining to the
special affinity of antigen for the corresponding antibody.
No:1608 - spectrum
(L. 'image') a charted band of wavelengths of electromagnetic
vibrations obtained by refraction and diffraction. By extension,
a measurable range of activity, such as the range of bacteria
affected by an antibiotic (antibacterial s.) or the complete range
of manifestations of a disease.
No:1609 - spermatogenesis
(spermato- + Gr. genesis production) the process of formation of
spermatozoa, including spermatocytogenesis and spermiogenesis.
No:1610 - spermicide
an agent that is destructive to spermatozoa.
No:1611 - sphincter
(L.; Gr. sphinktr that which binds tight) a ringlike band of
muscle fibres that constricts a passage or closes a natural
orifice; called also musculus sphincter (NA).
No:1612 - spinal
(L. spinalis) pertaining to a spine or to the vertebral column.
No:1613 - splenomegaly
(spleno- + Gr. megas large) enlargement of the spleen.
No:1614 - spondylitis
inflammation of the vertebrae.
No:1615 - sporadic
(Gr. sporadikos scattered; L. sporadicus) neither endemic nor
epidemic; occurring occasionally in a random or isolated manner.
No:1616 - spotting
a slight discharge of blood via the vagina, especially as a side-effect of oral contraceptives.
No:1617 - spray
a liquid minutely divided or nebulized as by a jet of air of steam.
No:1618 - sputum
matter ejected from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea, through the
No:1619 - squamous
(L. squamosus scaly) scaly, or platelike.
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