English dictionary of medical terms (03)
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No:40 - adverse
No:41 - advice
the way in which one regards something : view, opinion;
recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct : counsel.
No:42 - aerobic
1. having molecular oxygen present. 2. growing, living, or
occurring in the presence of molecular oxygen. 3. requiring oxygen
for respiration.
No:43 - aerophagy
(aero + Gr. phagein to eat) excessive swallowing of air, usually an
unconscious process associated with anxiety, resulting in abdominal
distention or belching, often interpreted by the patient as signs
of a physical disorder.
No:44 - aerosol
a solution of a drug which can be atomized into a fine mist for
inhalation therapy.
No:45 - aetiology
study of the causes of disease.
No:46 - affinity
(L. affinitas relationship) 1. inherent likeness or relationship.
2. a special attraction for a specific element, organ, or
structure. 3. chemical affinity; the force that binds atoms in
molecules; the tendency of substances to combine by chemical
reaction. 4. the strength of noncovalent chemical binding between
two substances as measured by the dissociation constant of the
complex. 5. in immunology, a thermodynamic expression of the
strength of interaction between a single antigen-binding site and
a single antigenic determinant (and thus of the stereochemical
compatibility between them), most accurately applied to
interactions among simple, uniform antigenic determinants such as
haptens. Expressed as the association constant (K litres mole -1),
which, owing to the heterogeneity of affinities in a population of
antibody molecules of a given specificity, actually represents an
average value (mean intrinsic association constant). 6. the
reciprocal of the dissociation constant.
No:47 - afterload
the tension produced by the heart muscle after contraction.
No:48 - agalactia
(a neg. + Gr. gala milk + ia) absence or failure of the secretion
of milk; called also agalactosis.
No:49 - agammaglobulinaemia
(a neg. + gamma globulin + -emia) absence of all classes of
immunoglobulins in the blood.
No:50 - agent
(L. agens acting) any power, principle, or substance capable of
producing an effect, whether physical, chemical, or biological.
No:51 - aggravation
an increasing in seriousness or severity; an act or circumstance
that intensifies, or makes worse.
No:52 - aggregation
massing of materials together as in clumping.
No:53 - aggressiveness
the quality of being aggressive (= characterized by aggression;
militant; enterprising; spreading with vigour; chemically active;
variable and adaptable).
No:54 - agitation
a state of anxiety accompanied by motor restlessness.
No:55 - agonist
- in anatomy, a prime mover. In pharmacology, a drug that has
affinity for and stimulates physiologic activity at cell receptors
normally stimulated by naturally occurring substances.
No:56 - agranulocytosis
a symptom complex characterized by marked decrease in the number of
granulocytes and by lesions of the throat and other mucous
membranes, of the gastrointestinal tract, and of the skin; called
also granulocytopenia and Schultz's disease.
No:57 - akathisia
(a- neg. + Gr. kathisis a sitting down + -ia) 1. a condition of
motor restlessness in which there is a feeling of muscular
quivering, an urge to move about constantly, and an inability to
sit still, a common extrapyramidal side effect of neuroleptic
drugs. 2. an inability to sit down because of intense anxiety at
the thought of doing so.
No:58 - akinesia
(a neg. + Gr. kinsis motion + ia) 1. absence or poverty of
movements. 2. the temporary paralysis of a muscle by the injection
of procaine.
No:59 - albumin
(albumen + -in) 1. any protein that is soluble in water and
moderately concentrated salt solutions and is coagulable by heat.
2. serum albumin; the major plasma protein (approximately 60 per
cent of the total), which is responsible for much of the plasma
colloidal osmotic pressure and serves as a transport protein
carrying large organic anions, such as fatty acids, bilirubin, and
many drugs, and also carrying certain hormones, such as cortisol
and thyroxine, when their specific binding globulins are saturated.
Albumin is synthesized in the liver. Low serum levels occur in
protein malnutrition, active inflammation and serious hepatic and
renal disease.
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