English dictionary of medical terms (17)
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No:320 - chemoreceptor
a receptor adapted for excitation by chemical substances, e.g.,
olfactory and gustatory receptors, or a sense organ, as the carotid
body or the aortic (supracardial) bodies, which is sensitive to
chemical changes in the blood stream, especially reduced oxygen
content, and reflexly increases both respiration and blood
pressure. See receptor.
No:321 - chemotherapeutics
noun plural but singular or plural in constructions : chemotherapy.
No:322 - chemotherapy
the treatment of disease by means of chemicals that have a specific
toxic effect upon the disease - producing microorganisms or that
selectively destroy cancerous tissue.
No:323 - chloasma
(Gr. chloazein to be green) melasma c. hepaticum a term formerly
used to refer to circumscribed facial hyperpigmentation resembling
melasma that may occur as a cutaneous manifestation of chronic
liver disease.
No:324 - cholangiography
(chol- + Gr. angeion vessel + graphein to write) roentgenography of
the biliary ducts after administration or injection of a contrast
medium, orally, intravenously or percutaneously.
No:325 - cholangitis
(chol- + Gr. angeion vessel + -itis) inflammation of a bile duct.
No:326 - cholecystitis
(cholecyst + -itis) inflammation of the gallbladder.
No:327 - cholelithiasis
(chole- + lithiasis) the presence or formation of gallstones.
No:328 - choleretic
a choleretic agent.
No:329 - cholestasia
(chole- + Gr. stasis stoppage) stoppage or suppression of the flow
of bile, having intrahepatic or extrahepatic causes.
No:330 - cholesterol
(chole- + Gr. stereos solid) 1. a pearly, fatlike steroid alcohol,
C27H45OH, crystallizing in the form of leaflets or plates from dilute
alcohol, and found in animal fats and oils, in bile, blood, brain
tissue, milk, yolk of egg, myelin sheaths of nerve fibres, the
liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands. It constitutes a large part of
the most frequently occurring type of gallstones and occurs in
atheroma of the arteries, in various cysts, and in carcinomatous
tissue. Most of the body's cholesterol is synthesized in the
liver, but some is absorbed from the diet. It is a precursor of
bile acids and is important in the synthesis of steroid hormones.
2. (USP) a commercial preparation of cholesterol is used as a
pharmaceutic aid. Called also cholesterin.
No:331 - cholinergic
resembling acetylcholine in pharmacological action; stimulated by
or releasing acetylcholine or a related compound.
No:332 - chorea
(L.; Gr. choreia dance) the ceaseless occurrence of a wide variety
of rapid, highly complex, jerky movements that appear to be well
coordinated but are performed involuntarily.
No:333 - chromosomal
pertaining to chromosomes.
No:334 - chronic
(L. chronicus, from Gr. chronos time) persisting over a long period
of time.
No:335 - chronotropic
(chrono- + Gr. tropikos turning) affecting the time or rate, as the
rate of contraction of the heart.
No:336 - cicatrization
the formation of a cicatrix or scar.
No:337 - circulation
(L. circulatio) movement in a regular or circuitous course, as the
movement of the blood through the heart and blood vessels.
No:338 - cirrhosis
(Gr. kirrhos orange-yellow) liver disease characterized
pathologically by loss of the normal microscopic lobular
architecture, with fibrosis and nodular regeneration. The term is
sometimes used to refer to chronic interstitial inflammation of any
No:339 - classic
of first class of rank; standard.
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