English dictionary of medical terms (18)
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No:340 - classification
the systematic arrangement of similar entities on the basis of
certain differing characteristics.
No:341 - claudication
(L. claudicatio) limping or lameness.
No:342 - clearance
the process of clearing; the rate at which a substance is removed
from the blood.
No:343 - clinical
pertaining to a clinic or to the bedside; pertaining to or founded
on actual observation and treatment of patients, as distinguished
from theoretical or basis sciences.
No:344 - clitoral
pertaining to the clitoris.
No:345 - cloaca
(L. 'drain') 1. in zoology, a common passage for faecal, urinary,
and reproductive discharge in most lower vertebrates. 2. in
mammalian embryology, the terminal end of the hindgut before
division into rectum, bladder, and genital primordia. 3. in
pathology, an opening in the involucrum of a necrosed bone.
No:346 - clonic
pertaining to or of the nature of clonus.
No:347 - coagulation
(L. coagulatio) 1. the process of clot formation. 2. in colloid
chemistry, the solidification of a sol into a gelatinous mass; an
alteration of a disperse phase or of a dissolved solid which causes
the separation of the system into a liquid phase and an insoluble
mass called the clot or curd. Coagulation is usually irreversible.
3. in surgery, the disruption of tissue by physical means to form
an amorphous residuum, as in electrocoagulation and
No:348 - cochlear
of or pertaining to the cochlea.
No:349 - coenzyme
an organic nonprotein molecule, frequently a phosphorylated
derivative of a water-soluble vitamin, that binds with the protein
molecule (apoenzyme) to form the active enzyme (holoenzyme).
No:350 - cognitive
of, pertaining, to, or characterized by cognition.
No:351 - coitus
(L. coitio a coming together, meeting) sexual connection per
vaginam between male and female.
No:352 - colitis
inflammation of the colon.
No:353 - collagen
(Gr. kolla glue + gennan to produce) the protein substance of the
white fibres (collagenous fibres) of skin, tendon, bone, cartilage,
and all other connective tissue; composed of molecules of
tropocollagen (q.v.), it is converted into gelatin by boiling.
collagenous pertaining to collagen; forming or producing collagen.
No:354 - collapse
(L. collapsus) 1. a state of extreme prostration and depression,
with failure of circulation. 2. abnormal falling in of the walls
of any part of organ.
No:355 - colloidal
of the nature of a colloid.
No:356 - collyrium
(L.; Gr. kollyrion eye salve) a lotion for the eyes; an eye wash.
No:357 - colonic flora
the bacteria normally residing within the colon.
No:358 - colonopathy
(colon + Gr. pathos disease) any disease or disorder of the colon.
No:359 - colorectal
pertaining to or affecting the colon and rectum.
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