English dictionary of medical terms (26)

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[Multilingual]No:500 - discoid
(Gr. diskos disk + -oid) shaped like a disk.
[Multilingual]No:501 - disinfectant
an agent that disinfects; applied particularly to agents used on inanimate objects. Cf. antiseptic.
[Multilingual]No:502 - dislocation
(dis- + L. locare to place) the displacement of any part, more especially of a bone. Called also luxation.
[Multilingual]No:503 - disorientation
the loss of proper bearings, or a state of mental confusion as to time, place, or identity.
[Multilingual]No:504 - disposition
a tendency either physical or mental toward certain diseases.
[Multilingual]No:505 - disseminate
to scatter or distribute over a considerable area.
[Multilingual]No:506 - dissociation
(L. dis- neg. + sociatio union) 1. the act of separating or state of being separated. 2. the separation of a molecule into two or more fragments (atoms, molecules, ions, or free radicals) produced by the absorption of light or thermal energy or by solvation. 3. in psychology, a defense mechanism in which a group of mental processes are segregated from the rest of a person's mental activity in order to avoid emotional distress, as in the dissociative disorders (q.v.), or in which an idea or object is segregated from its emotional significance; in the first sense it is roughly equivalent to splitting, in the second, to isolation. 4. a defect of mental integration in which one or more groups of mental processes become separated off from normal consciousness and, thus separated, function as a unitary whole.
[Multilingual]No:507 - distal
(L. distans distant) remote; farther from any point of reference; opposed to proximal. In dentistry, used to designate a position on the dental arch farther from the median line of the jaw.
[Multilingual]No:508 - distention
the state of being distended or enlarged; the act of distending.
[Multilingual]No:509 - distil
(L. destillare; de from + stillare to drop) to volatilize by heat and then cool and condense the evaporated matter, as to purify a substance or to separate a volatile substance from other less volatile substances.
[Multilingual]No:510 - distortion
(L. dis- apart + torsio a twisting) the state of being twisted out of a natural or normal shape or position.
[Multilingual]No:511 - distribution
(L. distributio) 1. the specific location or arrangement of continuing or successive objects or events in space or time. 2. the extent of a ramifying structure such as an artery or nerve and its branches. 3. the geographical range of an organism or disease. 4. probability.
[Multilingual]No:512 - diuresis
(Gr. diourein to urinate, to pass in urine) increased excretion of urine.
[Multilingual]No:513 - diuretic
(Gr. diourtikos promoting urine) an agent that promotes the excretion of urine.
[Multilingual]No:514 - diurnal
occurring during the day.
[Multilingual]No:515 - diverticulitis
inflammation of a diverticulum, especially inflammation related to colonic diverticula, which may undergo perforation with abscess formation. Sometimes called left-sided or L-sides appendicitis.
[Multilingual]No:516 - document
(L. docere to teach) an original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof or support of something; a writing (as a book, report or letter) conveying information; a publication of federal, state, or local government - chiefly in library usage.
[Multilingual]No:517 - dominance
(L. dominari to govern) in genetics, the full phenotypic expression of a gene in both heterozygotes and homozygotes.
[Multilingual]No:518 - donor
an individual organism that supplies living tissue to be used in another body, as a person who furnished blood for transfusion, or an organ for transplantation in a histocompatible recipient.
[Multilingual]No:519 - doping
(Dutch doop, sauce) the action of administering a drug to someone before a sports event (originally to a horse before a race); the substance thus administered.

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