English dictionary of medical terms (39)

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[Multilingual]No:760 - hepatotoxic
toxic to liver cells.
[Multilingual]No:761 - heredity
(L. hereditas) 1. the genetic transmission of a particular quality or trait from parent to offspring. 2. the genetic constitution of an individual.
[Multilingual]No:762 - hermetic
(L. hermeticus) impervious to air; airtight.
[Multilingual]No:763 - hernia
(he protrusion of a loop or knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening.
[Multilingual]No:764 - progenitalis
a group of acute infections causes by herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2, characterized by the development of one or more small fluid-filled vesicles with a raised erythematous base on the skin or mucous membrane, and occurring as a primary infection or recurring because of reactivation of a latent infection. Type 1 infections usually involve nongenital regions of the body, whereas in type 2 infections the lesions are primarily seen on the genital and surrounding areas. Precipitating factors include fever, exposure to cold temperature or to ultraviolet rays, sunburn, cutaneous or mucosal abrasions, emotional stress, and nerve injury.
[Multilingual]No:765 - herpes
(L.; Gr. herps, a spreading cutaneous eruption, from herpein to creep) any inflammatory skin disease caused by a herpesvirus and characterized by the formation of clusters of small vesicles. When used alone, the term may refer to herpes simplex or to herpes zoster.
[Multilingual]No:766 - hirsutism
abnormal hairiness, especially an adult male pattern of hair distribution in women. Cf. hypertrichosis.
[Multilingual]No:767 - histologic, histological
pertaining to histology.
[Multilingual]No:768 - homeostasis
(homeo- + Gr. stasis standing) a tendency to stability in the normal body states (internal environment) of the organism. It is achieved by a system of control mechanisms activated by negative feedback; e.g. a high level of carbon dioxide in extracellular fluid triggers increased pulmonary ventilation, which in turn causes a decrease in carbon dioxide concentration.
[Multilingual]No:769 - homogeneous
(homo- + Gr. genos kind) consisting of or composed of similar elements or ingredients; of a uniform quality throughout.
[Multilingual]No:770 - homologous
(Gr. homologos agreeing, correspondent) corresponding in structure, position, origin, etc., as (a) the feathers of a bird and the scales of a fish, (b) antigen and its specific antibody, (c) allelic chromosomes. Cf. analogous.
[Multilingual]No:771 - hormonal
pertaining to or of the nature of a hormone.
[Multilingual]No:772 - hospitalization
the confinement of a patient in a hospital, or the period of such confinement.
[Multilingual]No:773 - humeral
1. of, relating to, or situated in the region of the humerus : brachial. 2. of or belonging to the shoulder. 3. of, relating to, or being any of several body parts that are analogous in structure, function, or location to the humerus or shoulder.
[Multilingual]No:774 - humeroscapular
humero- com form : humeral and < humerodorsal >. Scapular : of or relating to the shoulder or the scapula.
[Multilingual]No:775 - humoral
of, relating to, proceeding from, or involving a bodily humour - now often used of endocrine factors as opposed to neural or somatic.
[Multilingual]No:776 - humour
1. a normal functioning fluid or semifluid of the body (as the blood, lymph or bile) especially of vertebrates. 2. a secretion that is itself an excitant of activity (as certain hormones).
[Multilingual]No:777 - hydration
the condition of being combined with water.
[Multilingual]No:778 - hydroalcoholic
(hydr- + alcohol + -ic) of or relating to water and alcohol.
[Multilingual]No:779 - hydrocephalus
(hydro- + Gr. kephal head) a condition marked by dilatation of the cerebral ventricles, most often occurring secondarily to obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, and accompanied by an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the skull; the fluid is usually under increased pressure, but occasionally may be normal or nearly so. It is typically characterized by enlargement of the head, prominence of the forehead, brain atrophy, mental deterioration, and convulsions; may be congenital or acquired; and may be of sudden onset (acute h.) or be slowly progressive (chronic or primary b.).

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