English dictionary of medical terms (40)
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No:780 - hydrolysis
(hydro- + Gr. lysis dissolution) the splitting of a compound into
fragments by the addition of water, the hydroxyl group being
incorporated in one fragment, and the hydrogen atom in the other.
No:781 - hydrophilic
readily absorbing moisture; hygroscopic; having strongly polar
groups that readily interact with water.
No:782 - hydrophobic
not readily absorbing water, or being adversely affected by water,
as a hydrophobic colloid.
No:783 - hydroxylation
hydroxylate, to introduce hydroxyl into (a compound or radical)
usually by replacement of hydrogen.
No:784 - hygienic
pertaining to hygiene, or conducive to health.
No:785 - hyperaemia
(hyper + Gr. haima blood + -ia) an excess of blood in a part;
No:786 - hyperaesthesia
(hyper- + Gr. aisthsis sensation + -ia) increased sensitivity to
No:787 - hyperaldosteronism
No:788 - hyperalgesia
(hyper- + Gr. algsis pain) excessive sensitiveness or sensibility
to pain.
No:789 - hyperbaric
(hyper- + Gr. baros weight) characterized by greater than normal
pressure or weight; applied to gases under greater than atmospheric
pressure, as hyperbaric oxygen, or to a solution of greater
specific gravity than another taken as a standard of reference.
No:790 - hypercapnia
(hyper + Gr. kapnos smoke) excess of carbon dioxide in the blood.
No:791 - hyperemesis
excessive vomiting.
No:792 - hyperglycaemia
(hyper- + Gr. glykys sweet +haima blood + -ia) abnormally
content of sugar in the blood.
No:793 - hyperhidrosis
(hyper- + Gr. hidrosis sweating) excessive perspiration. Called
also hyperidrosis, polyhidrosis, and polyidrosis.
No:794 - hyperkalaemia
Pathology: an abnormally high concentration of potassium in the
No:795 - hyperkeratosis
1. hypertrophy of the corneous layer of the skin. 2a. any of
various conditions marked by hyperkeratosis. 2b. a disease of
cattle marked by thickening and wringling of the hide and formation
of papillary outgrowths on the buccal mucous membranes, often
accompanied by watery discharge from eyes and nose, diarrhoea, loss
of condition, and abortion of pregnant animals, and now believed to
result from ingestion of the chlorinated naphthalene of various
lubricating oils.
No:796 - hyperkinesia
(hyper- + Gr. kinsis motion + -ia) abnormally increased motor
function or activity; hyperactivity.
No:797 - hyperlipidaemia
(hyper- + lipid + -emia) a general term for elevated concentrations
of any or all of the lipids in the plasma, including
hyperlipoproteinaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, etc.
No:798 - hyperostosis
(hyper- + Gr. osteon bone + -osis) hypertrophy of bone; exostosis.
No:799 - hyperplasia
(hyper- + Gr. plasis formation) the abnormal multiplication or
increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a
tissue. Cf. hypertrophy.
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