English dictionary of medical terms (62)

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[Multilingual]No:1220 - orthopaedic
(ortho- + Gr. pais child) pertaining to the correction of deformities of the musculoskeletal system; pertaining to orthopaedics.
[Multilingual]No:1221 - orthostatic
(ortho- + Gr. statikos causing to stand) pertaining to or caused by standing erect.
[Multilingual]No:1222 - osmolality
the concentration of osmotically active particles in solution expressed in terms of osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. The osmolality is directly proportional to the colligative properties of solutions; osmotic pressure, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and vapour pressure lowering.
[Multilingual]No:1223 - osmolarity
the concentration of osmotically active particles expressed in terms of osmoles of solute per litre of solution.
[Multilingual]No:1224 - osmotic
pertaining to or of the nature of osmosis (= the passage of pure solvent from a solution of lesser to one of greater solute concentration when the two solutions are separated by a membrane which selectively prevents the passage of solute molecules, but is permeable to the solvent).
[Multilingual]No:1225 - ossicle
(L. ossiculum) a small bone.
[Multilingual]No:1226 - ossification
(L. ossificatio) the formation of bone or of a bony substance; the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance.
[Multilingual]No:1227 - osteoarthritis
(osteo- + Gr. arthron joint + -itis) noninflammatory degenerative joint disease occurring chiefly in older persons, characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage, hypertrophy of bone at the margins, and changes in the synovial membrane. It is accompanied by pain and stiffness, particularly after prolonged activity.
[Multilingual]No:1228 - osteodystrophy
defective bone formation.
[Multilingual]No:1229 - osteolysis
(osteo- + Gr. lysis dissolution) dissolution of bone; applied especially to the removal or loss of the calcium of bone.
[Multilingual]No:1230 - osteomalacia
(osteo- + Gr. malakia softness) a condition marked by softening of the bones (due to impaired mineralization, with excess accumulation of osteoid), with pain, tenderness, muscular weakness, anorexia, and loss of weight, resulting from deficiency of vitamin D and calcium.
[Multilingual]No:1231 - osteomyelitis
(osteo- + Gr. myelos marrow) inflammation of bone caused by a pyogenic organism. It may remain localized or may spread through the bone to involve the marrow, cortex, cancellous tissue, and periosteum.
[Multilingual]No:1232 - osteoporosis
(osteo- + Gr. poros passage + -osis) reduction in the amount of bone mass, leading to fractures after minimal trauma.
[Multilingual]No:1233 - osteotomy
(osteo- + Gr. temnein to cut) the surgical cutting of a bone.
[Multilingual]No:1234 - otitis
(ot- + -itis) inflammation of the ear, which may be marked by pain, fever, abnormalities of hearing, hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo.
[Multilingual]No:1235 - otorhinolaryngology
(oto- + Gr. rhis nose + larynx larynx + -logy) that branch of medicine concerned with medical and surgical treatment of the head and neck, including the ears, nose and throat.
[Multilingual]No:1236 - otorrhea
(oto- + Gr. rhoia to flow) a discharge from the ear, especially a purulent one.
[Multilingual]No:1237 - otosclerosis
(oto- + Gr. sklrosis hardening) a pathological condition of the bony labyrinth of the ear, in which there is formation of spongy bone (otospongiosis), especially in front of and posterior to the footplate of the stapes; it may cause bony ankylosis of the stapes, resulting in conductive hearing loss. Cochlear otosclerosis may also develop, resulting in sensorineural hearing loss.
[Multilingual]No:1238 - ototoxic
having a deleterious effect upon the eighth nerve, or upon the organs of hearing and balance.
[Multilingual]No:1239 - ovarian
pertaining to an ovary or ovaries (= female gonad).

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