English dictionary of medical terms (76)
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No:1500 - regurgitation
(re- + L. gurgitare to flood) a backward flowing, as the casting up
of undigested food, or the backward flowing of blood into the
heart, or between the chambers of the heart when a valve is
No:1501 - rehydration
the restoration of water or of fluid content to a body or to
substance which has become dehydrated.
No:1502 - reinfection
a second infection by the same pathogenic agent, or a second
infection of an organ such as the kidney by a different pathogenic
No:1503 - relaxant
(L. relaxare to loosen) 1. lessening or reducing tension. 2. an
agent that lessens tension.
No:1504 - relevant
(L. relevare to raise up, lift up) bearing upon or properly
applying to the matter at hand; affording evidence tending to prove
or disprove the matters at issue or under discussion.
No:1505 - remission
(L. remissio) a diminution or abatement of the symptoms of a
disease; also the period during which such diminution occurs.
No:1506 - renal
pertaining to the kidney; nephric.
No:1507 - renin
an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyses cleavage of the
leucine-leucine bond in angiotensin to generate angiotensin. 1.
The enzyme is synthesized as inactive prorenin in the kidney and
released into the blood in the active form in response to various
metabolic stimuli. Not to be confused with rennin (chymosin).
No:1508 - renovascular
of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the kidneys.
No:1509 - repetitive
containing repetition; repetitions.
No:1510 - replication
(L. replicatio a fold backwards) 1. a turning back of a part so as
to form a duplication. 2. the process of duplicating or
reproducing, as the replication of an exact copy of a
polynucleotide strand of DNA or RNA.
No:1511 - reproduction
(L. re- again + productio production) the production of offspring
by organized bodies.
No:1512 - research
careful a diligent search; a close searching; studious inquiry or
No:1513 - resection
excision of a portion or all of an organ or other structure.
No:1514 - reservoir
(Fr. réservoir from réserver to reserve) 1. a place or cavity for
storage; for anatomical structures serving as a storage space for
fluids. 2. reservoir host or reservoir of infection; an alternate
or passive host or carrier that harbours pathogenic organisms,
without injury to itself, and serves as a source from which other
individuals can be infected.
No:1515 - residual
(L. residuus) remaining or left behind.
No:1516 - resistant
making or having powers of resistance; resisting.
No:1517 - resorption
(L. resorbere to swallow again) the loss of substance through
physiologic or pathologic means, such as loss of dentin and
cementum of a tooth, or of the alveolar process of the mandible or
No:1518 - respiratory
(re- + L. spirare to breathe) pertaining to respiration.
No:1519 - respond
to say something in return; make an answer; to show some reaction
to a force or stimulus; to render satisfaction.
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