English dictionary of medical terms (77)

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[Multilingual]No:1520 - response
(L. respondere to answer, reply) an action or movement due to the application of a stimulus.
[Multilingual]No:1521 - restless legs
legs characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest.
[Multilingual]No:1522 - resuscitation
(L. resuscitare to revive) the restoration to life or consciousness of one apparently dead; it includes such measures as artificial respiration and cardiac massage.
[Multilingual]No:1523 - retard
characterized by retarded action, said of a drug when it is supposed to exercise its maximum effect later in the cycle.
[Multilingual]No:1524 - retardation
(L. retardare to slow down, impede) delay; hindrance; delayed development.
[Multilingual]No:1525 - retention
(L. retentio, from retentare to hold firmly back) 1. the persistent keeping within the body of matters normally excreted. 2. in cavity preparation, the prevention of displacement of a restoration. 3. in orthodontic therapy, the period during which the patient is wearing an appliance(s) to maintain and stabilize the teeth in the position into which they were moved.
[Multilingual]No:1526 - retinal
1. pertaining to the retina. 2. the aldehyde of retinol, derived by the oxidative enzymatic splitting of absorbed dietary carotene, and having vitamin A activity. In the retina, retinal combines with opsins to form visual pigments. One isomer, 11-cis retinal combines with opsin in the rods (scotopsin) to form rhodopsin, or visual purple. Another, all-trans retinal (trans-r.); visual yellow; xanthopsin) results from the bleaching of rhodopsin by light, in which the 11-cis form is converted to the all-trans form. Retinal also combines with opsins in the cones (photopsins) to form the three pigments responsible for colour vision. Called also retinal, and retinene1.
[Multilingual]No:1527 - retinopathy
(retina + -pathy) 1. retinitis (= inflammation of the retina). 2. retinosis (= degenerative, noninflammatory condition of the retina).
[Multilingual]No:1528 - retraction
(L. retrahere to draw back) 1. the act of drawing back; the condition of being drawn back. 2. distal movement of teeth, usually accomplished with an orthodontic appliance.
[Multilingual]No:1529 - retrobulbar
(retro- + L. bulbus bulb) behind the pons.
[Multilingual]No:1530 - retrograde
(retro- + L. gradi to step) 1. moving backward or against the usual direction of flow. 2. degenerating, deteriorating, or catabolic.
[Multilingual]No:1531 - retrosternal
(retro- + sternum) situated or occurring behind the sternum.
[Multilingual]No:1532 - revaluation
a revised or new evaluation or estimate : reappraisal; the act or process of revaluating.
[Multilingual]No:1533 - reversible
capable of going through a series of changes in either direction, forward or backward, as a reversible chemical reaction.
[Multilingual]No:1534 - revulsive
(L. re- back + vellere to draw) 1. effecting revulsion. 2. an agent causing revulsion; a counterirritant.
[Multilingual]No:1535 - rhagades
(pl. of Gr. rhagas rent) fissures, cracks, or fine linear scars in the skin, especially such lesions around the mouth or other regions subjected to frequent movement.
[Multilingual]No:1536 - rheumatoid
(Gr. rheuma flux + eidos form) resembling rheumatism.
[Multilingual]No:1537 - rhinitis
(rhin- + -itis) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose.
[Multilingual]No:1538 - rhinopharyngitis
inflammation of the nasopharynx.
[Multilingual]No:1539 - rhinorrhea
(rhino- + Gr. rhoia flow) the free discharge of a thin nasal mucus.

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