English dictionary of medical terms (87)
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No:1720 - tone
(Gr. tonos; L. tonus) 1. the normal degree of vigour and tension;
in muscle, the resistance to passive elongation or stretch; tonus.
2. a particular quality of sound or of voice. 3. to make
permanent, or to change, the colour of silver stain by chemical
treatment, usually with a heavy metal.
No:1721 - tonic
(Gr. tonikos) 1. producing and restoring the normal tone. 2.
characterized by continuous tension. 3. a term formerly used for
a class of medicinal preparations believed to have the power of
restoring normal tone to tissue.
No:1722 - tonsillitis
(L. tonsilla tonsil + -itis) inflammation of the tonsils,
especially the palatine tonsils.
No:1723 - tophus
(L. 'porous stone') a chalky deposit of sodium urate occurring in
gout; tophi form most often around joints in cartilage, bone,
bursae, and subcutaneous tissue and in the external ear, producing
a chronic foreign-body inflammatory response.
No:1724 - topical
(Gr. topikos) pertaining to a particular surface area, as a topical
anti-infective applied to a certain area of the skin and affecting
only the area to which it is applied.
No:1725 - torsades de pointes
(Fr. 'fringe of pointed tips') an atypical rapid ventricular
tachycardia with periodic waxing and waning of amplitude of the QRS
complexes on the electrocardiogram; it may be self-limited or may
progress to ventricular fibrillation.
No:1726 - torsion
(L. torsio, from torquere to twist) 1. a type of mechanical stress,
whereby the external forces (load) twist an object about its axis.
2. in ophthalmology any rotation of the vertical corneal meridians.
No:1727 - torticollis
(L. tortus twisted + collum neck) wryneck; a contracted state of
the cervical muscles, producing twisting of the neck and an
unnatural position of the head.
No:1728 - toxaemia
(toxin + Gr. haima blood + -ia) 1. the condition resulting from the
spread of bacterial products (toxins) by the bloodstream. 2. a
condition resulting from metabolic disturbances, e.g. toxaemia of
No:1729 - toxic
pertaining to, due to, or of the nature of a poison or toxin;
manifesting the symptoms of severe infection.
No:1730 - toxicity
the quality of being poisonous, especially the degree of virulence
of a toxic microbe or of a poison.
No:1731 - toxicologic
pertaining to toxicology.
No:1732 - toxicomania
(NL, Fr. toxic + mania) addiction to a drug (as opium or cocaine).
No:1733 - toxin
(Gr toxikon arrow poison, from Gr. toxikos of or for a bow) a
poison; frequently used to refer specifically to a protein produced
by some higher plants, certain animals, and pathogenic bacteria,
which is highly toxic for other living organisms. Such substances
are differentiated from the simple chemical poisons and the
vegetable alkaloids by their high molecular weight and
No:1734 - toxoplasmosis
(toxo- + plasma + -osis) an acute or chronic, widespread disease of
animals and humans caused by the obligate intracellular protozoon
Toxoplasma gondii, transmitted by oocysts containing the pathogen
in the feces of cats (the definitive host), usually by contaminated
soil, direct exposure to infected feces, tissue cysts in infected
meat, or tachyzoites (proliferating forms) in blood.
No:1735 - tracheitis
inflammation of the trachea.
No:1736 - trachoma
(Gr. trachoma roughness) a chronic infectious disease of the
conjunctiva and cornea, producing photophobia, pain, and
lacrimation, caused by an organism once thought to be a virus but
now classified as a strain of the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
No:1737 - tract
(L. tractus) a region, principally one of some length; specifically
a collection or bundle of nerve fibres having the same origin,
function, and termination (tractus (NA)), or a number of organs,
arranged in series, subserving a common function.
No:1738 - tranquillizer
(L. tranquillus quiet, calm + -ize verb ending meaning to make + -
er agent) a drug with a calming, soothing effect.
No:1739 - transaminase
aminotransferase (= a subclass of enzymes of the transferase class
that catalyse the transfer of an amino group from a donor
(generally an amino acid) to an acceptor (generally 2-keto acid).
Most of these enzymes are pyridoxal-phosphate-proteins.
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