English dictionary of medical terms (86)

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[Multilingual]No:1700 - therapeutic
(Gr. therapeutikos inclined to serve) 1. pertaining to therapeutics, or to the art of healing. 2. curative.
[Multilingual]No:1701 - therapy
(Gr. therapeia service done to the sick) the treatment of disease; therapeutics.
[Multilingual]No:1702 - thermal
pertaining to or characterized by heat.
[Multilingual]No:1703 - thermoregulation
heat regulation.
[Multilingual]No:1704 - thoracic
(L. thoracicus; Gr. thorakikos) pertaining to or affecting the chest.
[Multilingual]No:1705 - thrombocytopenia
(thrombocyte + Gr. penia poverty) decrease in the number of blood platelets.
[Multilingual]No:1706 - thrombocytosis
increased numbers of platelets in the peripheral blood.
[Multilingual]No:1707 - thromboembolism
obstruction of a blood vessel with thrombotic material carried by the blood stream from the site of origin to plug another vessel.
[Multilingual]No:1708 - thrombolytic
1. dissolving or splitting up a thrombus. 2. a thrombolytic agent.
[Multilingual]No:1709 - thrombophlebitis
(thrombo- + Gr. phleps vein + -itis) inflammation of a vein associated with thrombus formation.
[Multilingual]No:1710 - thrombosis
(Gr. thrombosis) the formation, development, or presence of a thrombus.
[Multilingual]No:1711 - thrombus
(Gr. thrombos clot) an aggregation of blood factors, primarily platelets and fibrin with entrapment of cellular elements, frequently causing vascular obstruction at the point of its formation. Some authorities thus differentiate thrombus formation from simple coagulation or clot formation. Cf. embolism.
[Multilingual]No:1712 - thyrostatic
antithyroid agent.
[Multilingual]No:1713 - thyrotoxicosis
the condition resulting from presentation to the tissues of excessive quantities of the thyroid hormones, whether the excess results from overproduction by the thyroid gland (as in Graves' disease), originated outside the thyroid, or is due to loss of storage function and leakage from the gland.
[Multilingual]No:1714 - tic
an involuntary compulsive, repetitive, stereotyped movement, resembling a purposeful movement because it is coordinated and involves muscles in their normal synergistic relationships; tics usually involve the face and shoulders.
[Multilingual]No:1715 - tinea pedis
tinea involving the feet, particularly the interdigital spaces and soles, most often caused by Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, or Epidermophyton floccosum, and characterized by intensely pruritic lesions varying from mild, chronic, and scaling to acute exfoliative, pustular and bullous.
[Multilingual]No:1716 - tinnitus
(L. 'a ringing') a noise in the ears, as ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, etc. Such sounds may at times be heard by others than the patient.
[Multilingual]No:1717 - titre
(Fr. titre standard) the quantity of a substance required to produce a reaction with a given volume of another substance, or the amount of one substance required to correspond with a given amount of another substance.
[Multilingual]No:1718 - tolerance
(L. tolerantia) 1. the ability to endure unusually large doses of a drug or toxin. 2. acquired drug tolerance; a decreasing response to repeated constant doses of a drug or the need for increasing doses to maintain a constant response.
[Multilingual]No:1719 - tomography
(tomo- + Gr. graphein to write) the recording of internal body images at a predetermined plane by means of the tomograph; called also body section roentgenography.

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