English dictionary of medical terms (91)
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No:1800 - vasopressor
1. stimulating contraction of the muscular tissue of the
capillaries and arteries. 2. an agent that stimulates contraction
of the muscular tissue of the capillaries and arteries.
No:1801 - vegetative
1. concerned with growth and with nutrition. 2. functioning
involuntarily or unconsciously, as the vegetative nervous system.
3. resting; denoting the portion of a cell cycle during which the
cell is not involved in replication. 4. of, pertaining to, or
characteristic of plants.
No:1802 - vehicle
(L. vehiculum) 1. an excipient. 2. any medium through which an
impulse is propagated.
No:1803 - venereal
(L. venereus) pertaining or related to or transmitted by sexual
No:1804 - venous
(L. venosus) of or pertaining to the veins.
No:1805 - ventilation
(L. ventilatio) 1. in respiratory physiology, the process of
exchange of air between the lungs and the ambient air. Pulmonary
ventilation (usually measured in litres per minute) refers to the
total exchange, whereas alveolar ventilation refers to the
effective ventilation of the alveoli, in which gas exchange with
the blood takes place. 2. in psychiatry, verbalization of one's
emotional problems.
No:1806 - ventral
(L. ventralis) 1. pertaining to the belly or to any venter. 2.
denoting a position more toward the belly surface than some other
object of reference; same as anterior in human anatomy.
No:1807 - ventricular
pertaining to a ventricle.
No:1808 - vertebral
(L. vertebralis) of or pertaining to a vertebra.
No:1809 - vertigo
- (L. vertigo) an illusion of movement; a sensation as if the
external world were revolving around the patient (objective
vertigo) or as if he himself were revolving in space (subjective
vertigo). The term is sometimes erroneously used to mean any form
of dizziness.
No:1810 - vesicular
(L. vesicula a little bladder) 1. composed of or relating to small,
saclike bodies. 2. pertaining to or made up of vesicles on the
No:1811 - vestibular
(L. vestibularis) pertaining to or toward a vestibule. In dental
anatomy, used to refer to the tooth surface directed toward the
vestibule of the mouth.
No:1812 - vial
(Gr. phial) a small bottle.
No:1813 - vigilance
(L. vigilantia) wakefulness; watchfulness; arousal.
No:1814 - viral
pertaining to, caused by, or of the nature of virus.
No:1815 - virilization
- the induction or development of male secondary sec characters,
especially the induction of such changes in the female, including
enlargement of the clitoris, growth of facial and body hair,
development of a hairline typical of the male forehead, stimulation
of secretion and proliferation of the sebaceous glands (often with
acne), and deepening of the voice. Called also masculinization)
No:1816 - visceral
(L. visceralis), from viscus a viscus) pertaining to a viscus.
No:1817 - viscosity
a physical property of fluids that determines the internal
resistance to shear forces.
No:1818 - vision
(L. visio, from vidre to see) 1. the act or faculty of seeing;
sight. 2. an apparition; a subjective sensation of vision not
elicited by actual visual stimuli. 3. visual acuity; symbol V.
No:1819 - visual
(L. visualis, from videre to see) pertaining to vision or sight.
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