English dictionary of medical terms (92)
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No:1820 - vital capacity
the volume of gas that can be expelled from the lungs from a
position of full inspiration, with no limit to the duration of
expiration; it is equal to the inspiratory capacity plus the
expiratory reserve volume.
No:1821 - vitreous
glasslike or hyaline; often used alone to designate the vitreous
body of the eye (corpus vitreum (NA)).
No:1822 - voluntary
(L. voluntas will) accomplished in accordance with the will.
No:1823 - vomitus
1. vomiting. 2. matter vomited.
No:1824 - vulval, vulvar
pertaining to the vulva.
No:1825 - vulvovaginitis
inflammation of the vulva and vagina, or of the vulvovaginal
No:1826 - withdrawal
1. a pathological retreat from interpersonal contact and social
involvement, as may occur in schizophrenia, depression, or schizoid
avoidant and schizotypal personality disorders. 2. (DSM III-R) a
substance-specific organic brain syndrome that follows the
cessation of use or reduction in intake of a psychoactive substance
that had been regularly used to induce a state of intoxication.
No:1827 - xanthoma
(xanth- + -oma) a tumour composed of lipid-laden foam cells, which
are histiocytes containing cytoplasmic lipid material. Called also
No:1828 - xanthopsia
(xantho- + Gr. opsis vision + -ia) a form of chromatopsia in which
objects looked at appear yellow.
No:1829 - xerophthalmia
(xero- + Gr. ophthalmos eye + -a) dryness of the conjunctiva and
cornea due to vitamin A deficiency. The condition begins with
night blindness and conjunctival xerosis and progresses to corneal
xerosis, and, in the late stages, to keratomalacia.
No:1830 - xerostomia
(xero- + Gr. stoma mouth + -ia) dryness of the mouth from salivary
gland dysfunction, as in Sjögren's syndrome.
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