English dictionary of medical terms (05)
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No:80 - amnion
(Gr. "bowl";"membrane enveloping the fetus") the thin but tough
extraembryonic membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals that lines
the chorion and contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid around
it; in mammals it is derived from trophoblast by folding or
No:81 - ampoule
a small glass or plastic container capable of being sealed so as to
preserve its contents in a sterile condition; used principally for
containing sterile parenteral solutions (American English: ampule).
No:82 - anabolic
relating to, characterized by, or promoting anabolism.
No:83 - anaemia
(Gr. an neg. + haima blood + -ia) a reduction below normal in the
number of erythrocytes per cu. mm., in the quantity of haemoglobin,
or in the volume of packed red cells per 100 ml. of blood which
occurs when the equilibrium between blood loss (through bleeding or
destruction) and blood production is disturbed.
No:84 - anaerobic
1. lacking molecular oxygen. 2. growing, living, or occurring in
the absence of molecular oxygen; pertaining to an anaerobe.
No:85 - anaesthesia
(an neg. + Gr. aisthsis sensation) loss of feeling or sensation.
Although the term is used for loss of tactile sensibility, or of
any of the other senses, it is applied especially to loss of the
sensation of pain, as it is induced to permit performance of
surgery or other painful procedures.
No:86 - anaesthetic
1. pertaining to, characterized by, or producing anaesthesia. 2.
a drug or agent that is used to abolish the sensation of pain.
No:87 - anal
pertaining to the anus.
No:88 - analeptic
(Gr. analepsis a repairing) a drug which acts as a restorative,
such as caffeine, amphetamine, pentylenetetrazol, etc.
No:89 - analgesic
an agent that alleviates pain without causing loss of
No:90 - analogous
(Gr. analogos according to a due ratio, conformable, proportionate)
resembling or similar in some respects, as in function or
appearance, but not in origin or development; cf. homologous.
No:91 - analysis
(ana + Gr. lysis dissolution) separation into component parts or
elements; the act of determining the component parts of a
No:92 - anamnesis
(Gr. anamnsis a recalling) 1. recollection. 2. a medical or
psychiatric patient history, as opposed to catamnesis (follow-up).
3. immunologic memory.
No:93 - anaphylactic
pertaining to anaphylaxis.
No:94 - anastomosis
(Gr. anastomosis opening, outlet) an opening created by surgical,
traumatic or pathological means between two normally separate
spaces or organs.
No:95 - anatomical
pertaining to anatomy, or to the structure of the organism.
No:96 - androgenic
producing masculine characteristics.
No:97 - anergic
(an + Gr. ergon work) 1. characterized by abnormal inactivity;
inactive. 2. marked by asthenia or lack of energy. 3. pertaining
to anergy.
No:98 - aneurysm
(Gr. aneurysma a widening) a sac formed by the dilatation of the
wall of an artery, a vein, or the heart. The chief signs of
arterial aneurysm are the formation of a pulsating tumour, and
often a bruit (aneurysmal bruit) heard over the swelling.
Sometimes there are symptoms from pressure on contiguous parts.
No:99 - angiitis
(angi- + -tis) inflammation of a vessel, chiefly of a blood or a
lymph vessel; called also vasculitis.
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