English dictionary of medical terms (06)

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[Multilinguale]No:100 - anginal
pertaining to or characteristic of angina.
[Multilinguale]No:101 - angina pectoris
a paroxysmal thoracic pain, with a failing of suffocation and impending death, due, most often, to anoxia of the myocardium and precipitated by effort or excitement.
[Multilinguale]No:102 - angioedema
a vascular reaction involving the deep dermis or subcutaneous or submucal tissues, representing localized edema caused by dilatation and increased permeability of the capillaries, and characterized by development of giant wheals.
[Multilinguale]No:103 - angioneurotic
denoting a neuropathy affecting the vascular system; see angioedema.
[Multilinguale]No:104 - anhydrous
(an neg. + Gr. hydor water) deprived or destitute of water.
[Multilinguale]No:105 - anionic
pertaining to or containing an anion.
[Multilinguale]No:106 - anisocoria
(aniso- + Gr. kor pupil + -ia) inequality in diameter of the pupils.
[Multilinguale]No:107 - anogenital
pertaining to the anus and external genitals.
[Multilinguale]No:108 - anomaly
(Gr. anomalia) marked deviation from the normal standard, especially as a result of congenital defects.
[Multilinguale]No:109 - anorectal
pertaining to the anus and rectum or to the junction region between the two.
[Multilinguale]No:110 - anorexia
(Gr. 'want of appetite') lack or loss of the appetite for food.
[Multilinguale]No:111 - anosmia
(an neg. + osm smell + -ia) absence of the sense of smell; called also anosphrasia and olfactory anaesthesia.
[Multilinguale]No:112 - anovular
not accompanied with the discharge of an ovum.
[Multilinguale]No:113 - anoxia
a total lack of oxygen; often used interchangeably with hypoxia to mean a reduced supply of oxygen to the tissues.
[Multilinguale]No:114 - antacid
(ant- + L. acidus sour) a substance that counteracts or neutralizes acidity, usually of the stomach.
[Multilinguale]No:115 - antagonist
(Gr. antagonists an opponent) a substance that tends to nullify the action of another, as a drug that binds to a cell receptor without eliciting a biological response.
[Multilinguale]No:116 - antecedent
existing or occurring before in time or order often with consequential effects.
[Multilinguale]No:117 - anterograde
(antero- + L. gredi to go) moving or extending forward; called also antegrade.
[Multilinguale]No:118 - anthelmintic
(ant- + Gr. helmins worm) an agent that is destructive to worms.
[Multilinguale]No:119 - anthrax
(Gr. 'coal', 'carbuncle') an infectious bacterial zoonotic disease usually acquired by ingestion of Bacillus anthracis or its spores from infected pastures by herbivores or indirectly from infected carcasses by carnivores. It is transmitted to humans usually by contact with infected animals or their discharges (agricultural a.) or with contaminated animal products (industrial a.). Anthrax is classified by primary routes of inoculation as : cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and inhalational. Called also charbon, milzbrand and splenic fever.

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