English dictionary of medical terms (07)
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No:120 - antiacid
an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (as an alkali or
No:121 - antiallergic
counteracting allergy or allergic conditions.
No:122 - antianginal
counteracting angina or anginal conditions.
No:123 - antiarrhythmic
an agent that prevents or alleviates cardiac arrhythmia.
No:124 - antiasthmatic
an agent that relieves the spasm of asthma.
No:125 - antibacterial
a substance that destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or
No:126 - antibiogram
an examination that measures the biological resistance of
substances causing disease; performed prior to chemotherapy so as
to make it more efficient.
No:127 - antibiotherapy
a therapy that uses antibiotics to treat infections.
No:128 - antibiotic
(anti- + Gr. bios life) a chemical substance produced by a
microorganism which has the capacity, in dilute solutions, to
inhibit the growth of or to kill other microorganisms. Antibiotics
that are sufficiently nontoxic to the host are used as
chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases of
man, animals and plants.
No:129 - antibody
an immunoglobulin molecule that has a specific amino acid sequence
by virtue of which it interacts only with the antigen that induced
its synthesis in cells of the lymphoid series (especially plasma
cells), or with antigen closely related to it. Antibodies are
classified according to their ode of action as agglutinins,
bacteriolysins, haemolysins, opsonins, precipitins, etc.
No:130 - anticholinergic
(anti- + cholinergic) an agent that blocks the parasympathetic
nerves. Called also parasympatholytic.
No:131 - anticoagulant
any substance that prevents blood clotting. Those administered for
prophylaxis or treatment of thromboembolic disorders are heparin,
which inactivates thrombin and several other clotting factors and
which must be administered parenterally, and the oral
anticoagulants (warfarin, dicumarol, and congeners) which inhibit
the hepatic synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.
Anticoagulant solutions used for the preservation of stored whole
blood and blood fractions are acid citrate dextrose (ACD), citrate
phosphate dextrose (CPD), citrate phosphate dextrose-adenine (cPDA-1) and heparin. Anticoagulants used to prevent clotting of blood
specimens for laboratory analysis are heparin and several
substances that make calcium ions unavailable to the clotting
process, including EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), citrate,
oxalate, and fluoride.
No:132 - anticonvulsant
an agent that prevents or relieves convulsions.
No:133 - antidepressant
an agent that stimulates the mood of a depressed patient, including
tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
No:134 - antidiabetic
an agent that prevents or alleviates diabetes.
No:135 - antidiuretic
suppressing the rate of urine formation.
No:136 - antidopaminergic
preventing or counteracting (the effects of) dopamine.
No:137 - antidote
(L. antidotum, from Gr. anti against + didonai to give) a remedy
for counteracting a poison.
No:138 - antiemetic
(anti + Gr. emetikos inclined to vomit) an agent that prevents or
alleviates nausea and vomiting. Also antinauseant.
No:139 - antiepileptic
an agent that combats epilepsy.
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