English dictionary of medical terms (10)
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No:180 - arrhythmogenic
(a neg. + Gr. rhythmos rhythm + gennan to produce) producing or
promoting arrhythmia.
No:181 - arterial
pertaining to an artery or to the arteries.
No:182 - arteriography
(artery + Gr. graphein to write) roentgenography of arteries after
injection of radiopacque material into the blood stream.
No:183 - arteriolar
pertaining to or resembling arterioles.
No:184 - arteriolosclerosis
- sclerosis and thickening of the walls of the smaller arteries
(arterioles). Hyaline arteriolosclerosis, in which there is
homogeneous pink hyaline thickening of the arteriolar walls, is
associated with benign nephrosclerosis. Hyperplastic
arteriolosclerosis, in which there is a concentric thickening with
progressive narrowing of the lumina may be associated with
malignant hypertension, nephrosclerosis, and scleroderma.
No:185 - arteriovenous
both arterial and venous; pertaining to or affecting an artery and
a vein.
No:186 - arthralgia
(arthr- + -algia) pain in a joint.
No:187 - arthritis
(Gr. arthron joint + -itis) rheumatism in which the inflammatory
lesions are confined to the joints.
No:188 - arthropathy
(arthro + Gr. pathos disease) any joint disease.
No:189 - arthrosis
(arthro- + -osis) a disease of a joint.
No:190 - articular
- (L. articularis) of or pertaining to a joint.
No:191 - artificial
(L. ars art + facere to make) made by art; not natural or
No:192 - ascites
(L; Gr. askits from askos bag) effusion and accumulation of serous
fluid in the abdominal cavity; called also abdominal or peritoneal
dropsy, hydroperitonia, and hydrops abdominis.
No:193 - asepsis
(a neg. + Gr. spesthai to decay) 1. freedom from infection. 2.
the prevention of contact with microorganisms.
No:194 - aseptic
(a neg. + Gr. spsis decay) free from infection or septic material;
No:195 - aspiration
(L. ad to + spirare to breathe) the act of inhaling.
No:196 - assay
determination of the amount of a particular constituent of a
mixture, or of the biological or pharmacological potency of a drug.
No:197 - assist
to give support or aid; to be present as a spectator.
No:198 - association
(L. associatio, from ad to + socius a fellow) 1. in neurology,
correlation involving a high degree of modifiability and also
consciousness. 2. in genetics the occurrence together of two or
more phenotypic characteristics more often than would be expected
by change. To be distinguished from linkage (q.v.). 3. in
dysmorphology, the nonrandom occurrence in two or more individuals
of multiple anomalies not known to be a polytopic field defect,
sequence, or syndrome.
No:199 - asthenia
(Gr. asthens without strength + -ia) lack or loss of strength and
energy, weakness.
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