English dictionary of medical terms (11)

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[Multilingual]No:200 - astringent
(L. astringens, from ad to + stringere to bind) causing contraction, usually locally after topical application.
[Multilingual]No:201 - asymptomatic
showing or causing no symptoms.
[Multilingual]No:202 - asystole
cardiac standstill or arrest; absence of a heartbeat; called also Beau's syndrome.
[Multilingual]No:203 - ataxia
(Gr. from a negative + taxis order) failure of muscular coordination; irregularity of muscular action.
[Multilingual]No:204 - atheromatosis
a diffuse atheromatous disease of the arteries.
[Multilingual]No:205 - athetosis
(Gr. athetos not fixed + -osis) a derangement marked by ceaseless occurrence of slow, sinuous, writhing movements, especially severe in the hands, and performed involuntarily; it may occur after hemiplegia, and is then known as posthemiplegic chorea. Called also mobile spasm.
[Multilingual]No:206 - atony
(L. atonia from a neg. + Gr. tonos tension) lack of normal tone or strength.
[Multilingual]No:207 - atopic
(a neg. + Gr. topos place) pertaining to an atopen or to atopy; allergic.
[Multilingual]No:208 - atoxic
(a neg. + Gr. toxikon poison) not poisonous; not due to a poison.
[Multilingual]No:209 - atrial
pertaining to an atrium.
[Multilingual]No:210 - atrioventricular
pertaining to an atrium of the heart and to a ventricle.
[Multilingual]No:211 - atrium
(L.; Gr. atrion hall) a chamber; used in anatomical nomenclature to designate a chamber affording entrance to another structure or organ. Usually used alone to designate an atrium of the heart.
[Multilingual]No:212 - atrophy
(L.; Gr. atrophia) a wasting away; a diminution in the size of a cell, tissue, organ, or part.
[Multilingual]No:213 - atypical
(a neg. + Gr. typos type or model) irregular; not conformable to the type; in microbiology, applied specifically to strains of unusual type.
[Multilingual]No:214 - auditory
(L. auditorius) pertaining to the sense of hearing.
[Multilingual]No:215 - aura
(L. 'breath') a subjective sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and marks the of a paroxysmal attack, such as an epileptic attack on set.
[Multilingual]No:216 - aural
(L. auris, q.v.) pertaining to or perceived by the ear, as an aural stimulus.
[Multilingual]No:217 - auricular
(L. auricularis) pertaining to an auricle or to the ear, and, formerly, to an atrium of the heart.
[Multilingual]No:218 - auscultation
the act of listening for sounds within the body, chiefly for ascertaining the condition of the lungs, heart, pleura, abdomen and other organs, and for the detection of pregnancy.
[Multilingual]No:219 - autoimmune
pertaining to autoimmunity.

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