English dictionary of medical terms (20)

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[Multilingual]No:380 - confusion
disturbed orientation in regard to time, place, or person, sometimes accompanied by disordered consciousness.
[Multilingual]No:381 - congenital
(L. congenitus born together) existing at, and usually before; birth; referring to conditions that are present at birth, regardless of their causation.
[Multilingual]No:382 - congestion
(L. congestio, from congerere to heap together) excessive or abnormal accumulation of blood in a part.
[Multilingual]No:383 - conjugated
acting or operating as if joined; simultaneous.
[Multilingual]No:384 - conjugation
(L. conjugatio a blending) 1. the act of joining together or the state of being conjugated. 2. a sexual process seen in bacteria, ciliate protozoa, and certain fungi in which nuclear material is exchanged during the temporary fusion of two cells (conjugants). In bacterial genetics a form of sexual reproduction in which a donor bacterium (male) contributes some, or all, of its DNA (in the form of a replicated set) to a recipient (female) which then incorporates differing genetic information into its own chromosome by recombination and passes the recombined set on to its progeny by replication. In ciliate protozoa, two conjugants of separate mating types exchange micronuclear material and then separate, each now being a fertilized cell. In certain fungi, the process involves fusion of two gametes, resulting in union of their nuclei and formation of a zygote. 3. in chemistry, the joining together of two compounds to produce another compound, such as the combination of a toxic product with some substance in the body to form a detoxified product, which is then eliminated.
[Multilingual]No:385 - conjunctivitis
inflammation of the conjunctiva, generally consisting of conjunctival hyperaemia associated with a discharge.
[Multilingual]No:386 - conservative
(L. conservare to preserve) designed to preserve health, restore function, and repair structures by nonradical methods, as conservative surgery.
[Multilingual]No:387 - conserve
to keep in a safe or sound state, preserve from change or destruction.
[Multilingual]No:388 - constipation
(L. constipatio a crowding together) infrequent or difficult evacuation of the faeces.
[Multilingual]No:389 - constitutional
1. affecting the whole constitution of the body; not local. 2. pertaining to the constitution.
[Multilingual]No:390 - contact
(L. contactus a touching together) a mutual touching of two bodies or persons.
[Multilingual]No:391 - contamination
(L. contaminatio from con together + tangere to touch) the soiling or pollution by inferior material, as by the introduction of organisms into a wound, or sewage into a stream.
[Multilingual]No:392 - continuous
(L. continuus) not interrupted; having no interruption.
[Multilingual]No:393 - contraception
the prevention of conception or impregnation.
[Multilingual]No:394 - contraceptive
an agent that diminishes the likelihood of or prevents conception.
[Multilingual]No:395 - contractility
capacity for becoming short in response to a suitable stimulus.
[Multilingual]No:396 - contraction
(L. contractus drawn together) a shortening or reduction in size; in connection with muscles contraction implies shortening and/or development of tension.
[Multilingual]No:397 - contracture
(L. contractura) a condition of fixed high resistance to passive stretch of a muscle, resulting from fibrosis of the tissues supporting the muscles or the joints, or from disorders of the muscle fibres.
[Multilingual]No:398 - contraindication
any condition, especially any condition of disease, which renders some particular line of treatment improper or undesirable.
[Multilingual]No:399 - contrast medium
a substance that is introduced into or around a structure and, because of the difference in absorption of x-rays by the contrast medium and the surrounding tissues, allows radiographic visualization of the structure.

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