English dictionary of medical terms (21)
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No:400 - contusion
(L. contusio, from contundere to bruise) a bruise; an injury of a
part without a break in the skin.
No:401 - convalescence
(L. convalescere to become strong) the stage of recovery following
an attack of disease, a surgical operation, or an injury.
No:402 - conventional
following what is traditional or customary.
No:403 - conversion
(L. con with + versio turning) 1. an unconscious defense mechanism
by which the anxiety that stems from intrapsychic conflict is
converted and expressed in a symbolic somatic.
No:404 - convulsion
(L. convulsio, from convellere to pull together) a violent
involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the voluntary
No:405 - coordination
the harmonious functioning of interrelated organs and parts;
applied especially to the process of the motor apparatus of the
brain which provides for the co-working of particular groups of
muscles for the performance of definite adaptive useful responses.
No:406 - cornea
(L. corneus horny) (NA) the transparent structure forming the
anterior part of the fibrous tunic of the eye. It consists of five
layers : (1) the anterior corneal epithelium, continuous with that
of the conjunctiva, (2) the anterior limiting layer (Bowman's
membrane), (3) the substantia propria, or stroma, (4) the
posterior limiting layer (Descemet's membrane), and (5) the
endothelium of the anterior chamber, called also keratoderma.
No:407 - coronary
(L. corona; Gr. koron) encircling in the manner of a crown; a term
applied to vessels; nerves, ligaments, etc. The term usually
denotes the arteries that supply the heart muscle and, by
extension, a pathologic involvement of them.
No:408 - cor
(L. cordis) (NA) the muscular organ that maintains the circulation
of the blood. c. adiposum a heart that has undergone fatty
degeneration or that has an accumulation of fat around it; called
also fat or fatty, heart. c. arteriosum the left side of the
heart, so called because it contains oxygenated (arterial) blood.
c. biloculare a congenital anomaly characterized by failure of
formation of the atrial and ventricular septums, the heart having
only two chambers, a single atrium and a single ventricle, and a
common atrioventricular valve. c. bovinum (L. 'ox heart') a
greatly enlarged heart due to a hypertrophied left ventricle;
called also c. taurinum and bucardia. c. dextrum (L. 'right
heart') the right atrium and ventricle. c. hirsutum, c. villosum.
c. mobile (obs.) an abnormally movable heart. c. pendulum a heart
so movable that it seems to be hanging by the great blood vessels.
c. pseudotriloculare biatriatum a congenital cardiac anomaly in
which the heart functions as a three-chambered heart because of
tricuspid atresia, the right ventricle being extremely small or
rudimentary and the right atrium greatly dilated. Blood passes
from the right to the left atrium and thence disease due to
pulmonary hypertension secondary to disease of the lung, or its
blood vessels, with hypertrophy of the right ventricle.
No:409 - corpus luteum
(L. 'yellow body') (NA), a yellow glandular mass in the ovary
formed by an ovarian follicle that has matured and discharged its
ovum; if the ovum has been impregnated, the corpus luteum increases
in size and persists for several months (true c. luteum, c. luteum
of pregnancy, c. luteum graviditatis); if impregnation has not
taken place, the corpus luteum degenerates and shrinks (false c.
luteum, c. luteum of menstruation, c. luteum menstruationis). The
corpus luteum secretes progesterone. Called also yellow body of
No:410 - correction
(L. correctio straightening out; amendment) a setting right, as the
provision of specific lenses for the improvement of vision, or an
arbitrary adjustment made in values or devices in performance of
experimental procedures.
No:411 - correlation
most generally, the degree to which one phenomenon or random
variable is associated with or can be predicted from another. In
statistics, correlation usually refers to the degree to which a
linear predictive relationship exists between random variables, as
measured by a correlation coefficient (q.v.). Correlation may be
positive, i.e., both variables increase or decrease together, or
negative or inverse, i.e., one variable increases when the other
No:412 - correspond
to be in conformity a agreement : suit, agree; to be equivalent, to
be parallel.
No:413 - cortex
(L. 'bark, rind, shell') (NA) the outer layer of an organ or other
body structure, as distinguished from the internal substance.
No:414 - cortical
(L. corticalis) pertaining to or of the nature of a cortex or bark.
No:415 - corticosteroid
any of the steroids elaborated by the adrenal cortex (excluding the
sex hormones of adrenal origin) in response to the release of
corticotrophin (adrenocorticotropic hormone) by the pituitary
gland, to any of the synthetic equivalents of these steroids, or to
angiotensin II. They are divided, according to their predominant
biological activity, into three major groups: glucocorticoids,
chiefly influencing carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism;
mineralocorticoids, affecting the regulation of electrolyte and
water balance; and C19 androgens. Some corticosteroids exhibit
both types of activity in varying degrees, and others exert only
one type of effect. The corticosteroids are used clinically for
hormonal replacement therapy, for suppression of ACTH secretion by
the anterior pituitary, as antineoplastic, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory agents, and to
suppress the immune response. Called
also adrenocortical hormone and corticoid.
No:416 - cosmetic
(Gr. kosmtikos a beautifying substance or preparation.
No:417 - coxalgia
(L. coxa hip + -algia) 1. hip-joint disease. 2. pain in the hip.
No:418 - cranial
(L. cranialis) pertaining to the cranium, or to the anterior (in
animals) or superior (in humans) end of the body.
No:419 - creatinaemia
(creatin +Gr. haima blood + -ia) excess of creatine in the blood.
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