English dictionary of medical terms (22)
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No:420 - crisis
(L.; Gr. krisis) a sudden paroxysmal intensification of symptoms in
the course of a disease.
No:421 - criterion
(Gr. kritrion a means for judging) a standard by which something
may be judged.
No:422 - crossallergy
an allergic response to several cross-reactive allergens; the fact
that a patient allergic to one component will also tend to be
allergic to a similar component.
No:423 - crossinfection
infection transmitted between individuals infected with different
pathogenic microorganisms.
No:424 - crossresistance
immunologic resistance to the pathogenic effects of a microorganism
because of previous exposure to another species or type having
cross-reactive antigens.
No:425 - crystallization
the formation of crystals; conversion to a crystalline form.
No:426 - crystalluria
the excretion of crystals in the urine, producing renal irritation.
No:427 - cumulative
increasing or growing by accumulation or successive additions.
No:428 - curarize
to bring under the influence of curare : to induce curarization (=
to induce relaxation of voluntary muscles by curare).
No:429 - curative
(L. curare to take care of) tending to overcome disease and promote
No:430 - curettage
(Fr.) the removal of growths or other material from the wall of a
cavity or other surface, as with a curet; called also curettement.
No:431 - curve
a nonangular deviation from a straight course in a line or surface.
No:432 - cutaneous
(L. cutis skin) pertaining to the skin; dermal; dermic.
No:433 - cyanosis
(Gr. kyanos blue) a bluish discoloration, applied especially to
such discoloration of skin and mucous membranes due to excessive
concentration of reduced haemoglobin in the blood.
No:434 - cycle
(Gr. kyklos circle) a round or succession of observable phenomena,
recurring usually at regular intervals and in the same sequence.
No:435 - cyclic
(Gr. kyklikos) pertaining to or occurring in a cycle or cycles; the
term is applied to chemical compounds that contain a ring of atoms
in the nucleus.
No:436 - cycloderma
(delete: no definition found in any dictionary ; probably a
misprint or a specialist term used by one firm)
No:437 - cycloplegia
(cyclo- + Gr. plg stroke) paralysis of the ciliary muscle;
paralysis of accommodation.
No:438 - cyst
(Gr. kystis sac, bladder) any closed cavity or sac; normal or
abnormal, lined by epithelium, and especially one that contains a
liquid or semisolid material.
No:439 - cystic fibrosis
a generalized, autosomal recessive disorder of infants, children,
and young adults, in which there is widespread dysfunction of the
exocrine glands; characterized by signs of chronic pulmonary
disease (due to excess mucus production in the respiratory tract),
pancreatic deficiency, abnormally high levels of electrolytes in
the sweat, and occasionally by biliary cirrhosis. Pathologically,
the pancreas shows obstruction of the pancreatic ducts by amorphous
eosinophilic concretions, with consequent deficiency of pancreatic
enzymes, resulting in steatorrhoea and azotorrhoea. The degree of
involvement of organs and glandular systems may vary greatly, with
consequent variations in the clinical picture.
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