English dictionary of medical terms (30)
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No:580 - endocarditis
exudative and proliferative inflammatory alterations of the
endocardium, characterized by the presence of vegetations on the
surface of the endocardium or in the endocardium itself, and most
commonly involving a heart valve, but sometimes affecting the inner
lining of the cardiac chambers or the endocardium elsewhere. It
may occur as a primary disorder or as a complication of or in
association with another disease.
No:581 - endocrine
(endo- + Gr. krinein to separate) pertaining to internal
secretions; hormonal. Cf. exocrine.
No:582 - endogenous
(endo- + Gr. gennan to produce) developing or originating within
the organisms or arising from causes within the organism.
No:583 - endometriosis
(endometrium + -osis) a condition in which tissue more or less
perfectly resembling the uterine mucous membrane (the endometrium)
and containing typical endometrial granular and stromal elements
occurs aberrantly in various locations in the pelvic cavity; called
also adenomyosis externa and endometriosis externa.
No:584 - endoscopy
visual inspection of any cavity of the body by means of an
No:585 - endothelium
(endo- + Gr. thl nipple) (NA) the layer of epithelial cells that
lines the cavities of the heart and of the blood and lymph vessels,
and the serous cavities of the body, originating from the mesoderm.
No:586 - endotoxic
of, relating to, or acting as an endotoxin (= a heat-stable toxin,
associated with the outer membranes of certain gram-negative
bacteria. Endotoxins are not secreted and are released only when
the cells are disrupted).
No:587 - enema
a clyster or injection; a liquid injected or to be injected into
the rectum.
No:588 - energetic
exhibiting energy : strenuous; operating with force, vigour, or
No:589 - enteric-coated
a term designating a special coating applied to tablets or capsules
which prevents release and absorption of their contents until they
reach the intestines.
No:590 - enteritis
(enter- + -itis) inflammation of the intestine, applied chiefly to
inflammation of the small intestine; see also enterocolitis.
No:591 - enterocolitis
(entero- + colitis) inflammation involving both the small intestine
and the colon; see also enteritis.
No:592 - enterohepatic
of or involving the intestine and liver.
No:593 - enuresis
(Gr. enourein to void urine) involuntary discharge of urine after
the age at which urinary control should have been achieved; often
used alone with specific reference to involuntary discharge of
urine occurring during sleep at night (bed-wetting, nocturnal
No:594 - environment
(Fr. environner to surround, to encircle) the sum total of all the
conditions and elements which make up the surroundings and
influence the development and actions of an individual.
No:595 - enzyme
(Gr. en in + zyme leaven) a protein molecule that catalyses
chemical reactions of other substances without itself being
destroyed or altered upon completion of the reactions. Enzymes are
classified according to the recommendations of the Nomenclature
Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry. Each enzyme
is assigned a recommended name and an Enzyme Commission (EC)
number. They are divided into six main groups; oxidoreductases,
transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases.
No:596 - eosinophilia
(eosin + Gr. philein to love) the formation and accumulation of an
abnormally large number of eosinophils in the blood.
No:597 - epicondylitis
inflammation of the epicondyle or of the tissues adjoining the
epicondyle of the humerus.
No:598 - epidemic
(Gr. epidmios prevalent) occurring suddenly in numbers clearly in
excess of normal expectancy; said especially of infectious diseases
but applied also to any disease, injury, or other health-related
event occurring in such outbreaks. Cf. endemic and sporadic.
No:599 - epidemiological
relating to, or involving epidemiology.
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