English dictionary of medical terms (31)

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[Multilingual]No:600 - epidermal
pertaining to or resembling epidermis. Called also epidermic or epidermoid.
[Multilingual]No:601 - epidural
situated upon or outside the dura mater.
[Multilingual]No:602 - epigastralgia
(epigastrium + -algia) pain in the epigastrium.
[Multilingual]No:603 - epigastric
(epi- + Gr. gastr belly) pertaining to the epigastrium.
[Multilingual]No:604 - epilepsy
(Gr. epilpsia seizure) paroxysmal transient disturbances of brain function that may be manifested as episodic impairment or loss of consciousness, abnormal motor phenomena, psychic or sensory disturbances, or perturbation of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms are due to paroxysmal disturbance of the electrical activity of the brain. On the basis of origin, epilepsy is idiopathic (cryptogenic, essential, genetic) or symptomatic (acquired, organic). On the basis of clinical and electroencephalographic phenomenon, four subdivisions are recognized : (1) grand mal e. (major e., haut mal e.) - subgroups : generalized, focal (localized), jacksonian (rolandic), (2) petit mal e., (3) psychomotor e. (temporal lobe e., psychic, psychic equivalent, or variant) - subgroups : psychomotor proper (tonic with adversive or torsion movements or masticatory phenomena), automatic (with amnesia), and sensory (hallucinations, or dream states or déjà vu), (4) autonomic e. (diencephalic), with flushing, pallor, tachycardia, hypertension, perspiration, or other visceral symptoms. Called also epilepsia.
[Multilingual]No:605 - epiphyseal
pertaining to or of the nature of an epiphysis.
[Multilingual]No:606 - episiotomy
(episio- + Gr. tom a cutting) surgical incision into the perineum and vagina to prevent traumatic tearing during delivery.
[Multilingual]No:607 - episode
a noteworthy happening or series of happenings occurring in the course of continuous events, as an episode of illness; a separate but not unrelated incident.
[Multilingual]No:608 - epistaxis
nosebleed; haemorrhage from the nose.
[Multilingual]No:609 - epithelioma
(epithelium + -oma) a neoplasm of epithelial origin, ranging from benign (adenoma and papilloma) to malignant (carcinoma).
[Multilingual]No:610 - epithelium
(epi- + Gr. thl nipple) (NA) the covering of internal and external surfaces of the body, including the lining of vessels and other small cavities. It consists of cells joined by small amounts of cementing substances. Epithelium is classified into types on the basis of the number of layers deep and the shape of the superficial cells.
[Multilingual]No:611 - equivalent
(L. aequivalens, from aequus equal + valere to be worth) having the same value; neutralizing or counterbalancing.
[Multilingual]No:612 - erection
(L. erectio) the condition of being made rigid and elevated; as erectile tissue when filled with blood.
[Multilingual]No:613 - ergotism
chronic poisoning from excessive or misdirected use of ergot as a medicine, or from eating ergotized grain; it is marked by cerebrospinal symptoms, spasms, and cramps, or by a kind of dry gangrene. Called also St. Anthony's fire.
[Multilingual]No:614 - erosion
(L. erosio, from erodere to eat out) 1. an eating away; destruction of the surface of a tissue, material, or structure. 2. progressive loss of the hard substance of a tooth by chemical processes that do not involve bacterial action. See also abrasion . 3. a gradual breakdown or very shallow ulceration of the skin which involves only the epidermis and heals without scarring.
[Multilingual]No:615 - eructation
(L. eructatio) the act of belching, or of casting up wind from the stomach through the mouth.
[Multilingual]No:616 - eruption
(L. eruptio a breaking out) 1. the act of breaking out, appearing, or becoming visible, as eruption of the teeth. 2. visible efflorescent lesions of the skin due to disease, especially an exanthematous disease, and marked by redness and prominence; a rash. See also exanthema.
[Multilingual]No:617 - erysipelas
(Gr. erythros red + pella skin) an acute superficial form of cellulitis involving the dermal lymphatics, usually caused by infection with group A streptococci, and chiefly characterized by a peripherally spreading hot, bright red, edematous, brawny, infiltrated, and sharply circumscribed plaque with a raised indurated border. Formerly called St. Anthony's fire. Cf. cellulitis and phlegmon.
[Multilingual]No:618 - erythema
(Gr. erythma flush upon the skin) a name applied to redness of the skin produced by congestion of the capillaries, which may result from a variety of causes, the etiology or a specific type of lesion often being indicated by a modifying term.
[Multilingual]No:619 - erythrasma
a chronic, superficial bacterial infection of the skin involving the body folds and toe webs, sometimes becoming generalized, caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum, and characterized by the presence of sharply demarcated, dry, brown, slightly scaly, and slowly spreading patches.

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