English dictionary of medical terms (32)
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No:620 - erythropoiesis
(erythro- + Gr. poisis making) the production of erythrocytes.
No:621 - euphoria
(Gr. 'the power of bearing easily') an exaggerated feeling of
physical and mental well-being, especially when not justified by
external reality. Euphoria may be induced by drugs such as
opioids, amphetamines, and alcohol and is also a feature of mania.
No:622 - evacuation
(L. evacuatio, from e out + vacuus empty) an emptying, as of the
No:623 - evaluation
the act or result of evaluating.
No:624 - evolution
(L. evolutio, from e out + volvere to roll) 1. an unrolling. 2. a
process of development in which an organ or organism becomes more
and more complex by the differentiation of its parts; a continuous
and progressive change according to certain laws and by means of
resident forces.
No:625 - exacerbation
(ex- + L. acerbus harsh) increase in the severity of a disease of
its symptoms.
No:626 - exanthema
(Gr. exanthma) exanthem; an eruptive disease or its symptomatic
No:627 - excessive
exceeding the usual, proper, or normal quantity; given to excess.
No:628 - excipient
(L. excipiens, from ex out + capere to take) any more or less inert
substance added to a prescription in order to confer a suitable
consistency or form to the drug; a vehicle.
No:629 - excitation
(L. excitatio, from ex out + citare to call) an act of irritation
or stimulation or of responding to a stimulus; the addition of
energy, as the excitation of a molecule by absorption of photons.
No:630 - exclusive
1. excluding or inclined to exclude others (at outsiders) from
participation. 2. single. 3. undivided, whole.
No:631 - excretion
(L. excretio) the act, process, or function of excreting.
No:632 - exfoliation
(L. exfoliatio) a falling off in scales or layers.
No:633 - exocrine
(exo- + Gr. krinein to separate) 1. secreting outwardly, via a
duct; cf. endocrine. 2. denoting such a gland or its secretion.
No:634 - exogenous
(exo- + Gr. gennan to produce) developed or originating outside the
organism, as exogenous disease.
No:635 - exophthalmos
(ex- + Gr. ophthalmos eye) abnormal protrusion of the eyeball;
called also proptosis.
No:636 - expectorant
(ex- + L. pectus breast) 1. promoting the ejection, by spitting, of
mucus or other fluids from the lungs and trachea. 2. an agent that
promotes the ejection of mucus or exudate from the lungs, bronchi,
and trachea; sometimes extended to all remedies that quiet cough
No:637 - experimental
1. of, relating to, or based on experience : empirical. 2. of a
disease : intentionally produced especially in laboratory animals
for the purpose of study.
No:638 - expiration
(ex + L. spirare to breathe) the act of breathing out, or expelling
air from the lungs.
No:639 - extension
(L. extensio) 1. the movement by which the two elements of any
jointed part are drawn away from each other. 2. a movement which
brings the members of a limb into or toward a straight relation.
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