English dictionary of medical terms (33)
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No:640 - external
(L. externus outside) situated or occurring on the outside; many
anatomical structures formerly called external are now more
correctly termed lateral.
No:641 - extracellular
outside a cell or cells.
No:642 - extracorporeal
(extra- + L. corpus body) situated or occurring outside the body.
No:643 - extract
(L. extractum) a concentrated preparation of a vegetable or animal
drug obtained by removing the active constituents therefrom with a
suitable menstruum, evaporating all or nearly all the solvent, and
adjusting the residual mass or powder to a prescribed standard.
Extracts are prepared in three forms; semiliquid or of syrupy
consistency, pilular or solid, and as dry powder.
No:644 - extraction
(L. ex out + trahere to draw) the process or act of pulling or
drawing out.
No:645 - extrapyramidal
outside of the pyramidal tracts.
No:646 - extrarenal
outside of the kidney.
No:647 - extrasystole
a premature contraction of the heart that is independent of the
normal rhythm and arises in response to an impulse in some part of
the heart other than the sinoatrial node; called also premature
No:648 - extravasation
(extra + L. vas vessel) a discharge or escape, as of blood, from a
vessel into the tissues.
No:649 - extravascular
situated or occurring outside a vessel or the vessels.
No:650 - extreme
as far away as possible from the centre, the beginning or the
average; of the highest degree or intensity
No:651 - extremity
a limb; an arm or leg (membrum (NA)); sometimes applied
specifically to a hand or foot.
No:652 - exudate
(L. exsudare to sweat out) material, such as fluid, cells, or
cellular debris, which has escaped from blood vessels and has been
deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces, usually as a result of
inflammation. An exudate, in contrast to a transudate, is
characterized by a high content of protein, cells, or solid
materials derived from cells.
No:653 - facial
(L. facialis from facies face) of or pertaining to the face.
No:654 - factor
(L. 'maker') any of several substances or activities that are
necessary to produce a result, e.g. a coagulation factor. Often,
use of the term 'factor' indicates that the chemical nature of the
substance or its mechanism of action is unknown, as in
endocrinology, where 'factors' are renamed as 'hormones' when their
chemical nature is determined.
No:655 - faecal
- pertaining to or of the nature of feces.
No:656 - feces
(L. faeces, pl. of faex refuse) the excrement discharged from the
intestines, consisting of bacteria, cells exfoliated from the
intestines, secretions, chiefly of the liver, and a small amount of
food residue.
No:657 - fasciculation
a small local contraction of muscles, visible through the skin,
representing a spontaneous discharge of a number of fibres
innervated by a single motor nerve filament.
No:658 - fatal
causing death, deadly; mortal; lethal.
No:659 - febrile
(L. febrilis) pertaining to or characterized by fever.
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