English dictionary of medical terms (35)

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[Multilingual]No:680 - flush
transient, episodic redness of the face and neck caused by certain diseases, ingestion of certain drugs or other substances, heat, emotional factors, or physical exertion.
[Multilingual]No:681 - flutter
a rapid vibration or pulsation.
[Multilingual]No:682 - foetal
of or pertaining to a fetus; pertaining to in utero development after the embryonic period.
[Multilingual]No:683 - foetoplacental
pertaining to the fetus and placenta.
[Multilingual]No:684 - foetotoxic
toxic to the foetus in utero.
[Multilingual]No:685 - folliculitis
inflammation of a follicle or follicles; used ordinarily in reference to hair follicles, but sometimes in relation to follicles of other kinds.
[Multilingual]No:686 - fontanelle
(Fr., dim. of fontaine spring, filter) a soft spot, such as one of the membrane-covered spaces (fonticuli cranii (NA)) remaining in the incompletely ossified skull of a fetus or infant.
[Multilingual]No:687 - fraction
in chemistry, one of the separable constituents of a substance.
[Multilingual]No:688 - fracture
(L. fractura, from frangere to break) a break or rupture in a bone.
[Multilingual]No:689 - frequency
1. the number of occurrences of a periodic or recurrent process per unit time, e.g. the number of vibrations of a particle per second or the number of repetitions of a complete wave form (cycles) per second. 2. the number of members of a population or statistical sample falling in a particular class. 3. relative frequency; the average number of occurrences of a particular event in a large number of repeated trials.
[Multilingual]No:690 - frigidity
coldness; especially, lack of sexual response in the female.
[Multilingual]No:691 - function
(L. functio, from fungi to do) the special, normal, or proper physiologic activity of an organ or part.
[Multilingual]No:692 - fundamental
pertaining to a base or foundation.
[Multilingual]No:693 - fungicide
an agent that destroys fungi.
[Multilingual]No:694 - fungistatic
inhibiting the growth of fungi.
[Multilingual]No:695 - fungus
a general term used to denote a group of eukaryotic protists, including mushrooms, yeasts, rusts, moulds, smuts, etc., which are characterized by the absence of chlorophyll and by the presence of a rigid cell wall composed of chitin, mannans, and sometimes cellulose. They are usually of simple morphological form or show some reversible cellular specialization, such as the formation of pseudoparenchymatous tissue in the fruiting body of a mushroom. The dimorphic fungi grow, according to environmental conditions, as moulds or yeasts.
[Multilingual]No:696 - furunculosis
1. the persistent sequential occurrence of furuncles over a period of weeks or months. 2. the simultaneous occurrence of a number of furuncles.
[Multilingual]No:697 - galactorrhoea
(galacto- + Gr. rhoia flow) excessive or spontaneous flow of milk; persistent secretion of milk irrespective of nursing.
[Multilingual]No:698 - galenical
1. usually cap : of or relating to Galen or his medical principles or method. 2. constituting a galenical.
[Multilingual]No:699 - ganglion
(Gr. 'knot') 1. a knot, or knotlike mass. 2. (NA) a general term for a group of nerve cell bodies located outside the central nervous system; occasionally applied to certain nuclear groups within the brain or spinal cord, e.g. basal ganglia. 3. a benign cystic tumour occurring on a aponeurosis or tendon, as in the wrist or dorsum of the foot; it consists of a thin fibrous capsule enclosing a clear mucinous fluid.

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