English dictionary of medical terms (34)

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[Multilingual]No:660 - feedback
the return of some of the output of a system as input so as to exert some control in the process.
[Multilingual]No:661 - femoral
(L. femoralis) pertaining to the femur, or to the thigh.
[Multilingual]No:662 - fermentation
(L. fermentatio) the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compounds, especially carbohydrates, to simpler compounds, especially to ethyl alcohol, resulting in energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); the process is used in the production of alcohol, bread, vinegar; and other food or industrial products. It differs from respiration in that organic substances rather than molecular oxygen are used as electron acceptors. Fermentation occurs widely in bacteria and yeasts, the process usually being identified by the product formed; e.g. , acetic, alcoholic, butyric, and lactic fermentation are those that result in the formation of acetic acid, alcohol, butyric acid, and lactic acid, respectively.
[Multilingual]No:663 - ferriprive
suffering from, or characterized by iron deficiency.
[Multilingual]No:664 - fertility
the capacity to conceive or induce conception.
[Multilingual]No:665 - fibrillation
a small, local, involuntary contraction of muscle, invisible under the skin, resulting from spontaneous activation of single muscle cells or muscle fibres.
[Multilingual]No:666 - fibrin
the insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen by the proteolytic action of thrombin during normal clotting of blood. Fibrin forms the essential portion of the blood clot.
[Multilingual]No:667 - fibrinolytic
pertaining to, characterized by, or causing the dissolution of fibrin by enzymatic action
[Multilingual]No:668 - fibrosis
the formation of fibrous tissue; fibroid or fibrous degeneration
[Multilingual]No:669 - filmcoated
coated by a thin transparent sheet of cellulose acetate or similar material with an emulsion that is sensitive to light or radiation.
[Multilingual]No:670 - filtration
the passage of a liquid through a filter, accomplished by gravity, pressure, or vacuum (suction).
[Multilingual]No:671 - firstpass
connected with the first barrier the medicine has to pass, where it is filtered.
[Multilingual]No:672 - fissure
(L. fissura) any cleft or groove, normal or otherwise; especially a deep fold in the cerebral cortex which involves the entire thickness of the brain wall.
[Multilingual]No:673 - fistula
(L. 'pipe') an abnormal passage or communication, usually between two internal organs, or leading from an internal organ to the surface of the body; frequently designated according to the organs or parts with which it communicates, as anovaginal, brochocutaneous, hepatopleural, pulmonoperitoneal, rectovaginal, urethrovaginal, and the like. Such passages are frequently created experimentally for the purpose of obtaining body secretions for physiologic study.
[Multilingual]No:674 - fixation
(L. fixatio) 1. the act or operation of holding, suturing, or fastening in a fixed position. 2. the condition of being held in a fixed position. 3. in psychiatry, a term with two related but distinct meanings : (1) arrest of development at a particular stage, which like regression (return to an earlier stage), if temporary is a normal reaction to setbacks and difficulties but if protracted or frequent is a cause of developmental failures and emotional problems, and (2) a close and suffocating attachment to another person, especially a childhood figure, such as one's mother or father. Both meanings are derived from psychoanalytic theory and refer to 'fixation' of libidinal energy either in a specific erogenous zone, hence fixation at the oral, anal, or phallic stage, or in a specific object, hence mother or father fixation. 4. the use of a fixative (q.v.) to preserve histological or cytological specimens. 5. in chemistry, the process whereby a substance is removed from the gaseous or solution phase and localized, as in carbon dioxide fixation or nitrogen fixation. 6. in ophthalmology, direction of the gaze so that the visual image of the object falls on the fovea centralis. 7. in film processing, the chemical removal of all undeveloped salts of the film emulsion, leaving only the developed silver to form a permanent image.
[Multilingual]No:675 - flaccid
(L. flaccidus) weak, lax and soft.
[Multilingual]No:676 - flatulence
(L. flatulentia) the presence of excessive amounts of air or gases in the stomach or intestine, leading to distention of the organs.
[Multilingual]No:677 - flegmon or phlegmon
(Gr. phlegmon) 1. a spreading, diffuse inflammatory reaction to infection with microaerophilic streptococci, which forms a suppurative or gangrenous and undermining lesion that may extend into deep subcutaneous tissues and muscles, creating multiple small pockets of pus. Called also phlegmonous cellulitis. Cf. cellulitis and erysipelas. 2. a solid, swollen, inflamed mass of pancreatic tissue occurring as a complication of acute pancreatitis, which may subside spontaneously or become secondarily infected and develop into an abscess.
[Multilingual]No:678 - flexion
(L. flexio) in gynaecology, a displacement of the uterus in which the organ is bent so far forward or backward that an acute angle forms between the fundus and the cervix.
[Multilingual]No:679 - fluor albus
(L. 'a flow', a discharge) leucorrhea.

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