English dictionary of medical terms (83)
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No:1640 - structural
pertaining to or affecting the structure.
No:1641 - struma
No:1642 - stupor
partial or nearly complete unconsciousness, manifested by the
subject's responding only to vigorous stimulation. Also, in
psychiatry, a disorder marked by reduced responsiveness.
No:1643 - subacute
somewhat acute; between acute and chronic.
No:1644 - subarachnoid
- situated or occurring between the arachnoid and the pia mater.
No:1645 - subcapsular
situated below a capsule.
No:1646 - subclinical
without clinical manifestations; said of the early stage(s) of an
infection or other disease or abnormality before symptoms and signs
become apparent or detectable by clinical examination or laboratory
tests, or of a very mild form of an infection or other disease or
No:1647 - subconjunctival
situated or occurring beneath the conjunctiva.
No:1648 - subcuticular
situated beneath the epidermis, subepidermal.
No:1649 - subjective
(L. subjectivus) pertaining to or perceived only by the affected
individual, not perceptible to the senses of another person.
No:1650 - sublingual
located beneath the tongue.
No:1651 - substance
(L. substantia) the material constituting an organ or body; called
also substantia (NA).
No:1652 - substitution
(L. substitutio, from sub under + statuere to place) 1. the act of
putting one thing in the place of another, especially the chemical
replacement of one element or radical by some other. 2. a defense
mechanism, operating unconsciously, in which an unattainable or
unacceptable goal, emotion, or object is replaced by one that is
attainable or acceptable.
No:1653 - substrate
(L. sub under + stratum layer) a substance upon which an enzyme
No:1654 - superinfection
a new infection complicating the course of antimicrobial therapy of
an existing infectious process, and resulting from invasion by
bacteria or fungi resistant to the drug(s) in use. It may occur at
the site of the original infection or at a remote site.
No:1655 - supervision
the act, process, or occupation of supervising : direction,
inspection, and critical evaluation: oversight, superintendence.
No:1656 - supination
- (L. supinatio) the act of assuming the supine position, or the
state of being supine. Applied to the hand, the act of turning the
palm forward (anteriorly) or upward, performed by lateral rotation
of the forearm. Applied to the foot, it generally implies
movements resulting in raising of the medial margin of the foot,
hence of the longitudinal arch.
No:1657 - supplement
something that supplies a want or make an addition : something that
completes, adds a finishing touch, or brings closer to completion
or a desired state.
No:1658 - suppository
(L. suppositorium) a medicated mass adapted for introduction into
the rectal, vaginal, or urethral orifice of the body, suppository
bases are solid at room temperature but melt or dissolve at body
temperature. Commonly used bases are cocoa butter, glycerinated
gelatin, hydrogenated vegetable oils, polyethylene glycols of
various molecular weights, and fatty acid esters of polyethylene
No:1659 - suppressive
tending to suppress : effecting suppression; specifically : serving
to suppress activity, function, symptoms.
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