English dictionary of medical terms (84)
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No:1660 - suppuration
(L. sub under + puris pus) the formation of pus; the act of
becoming converted into and discharging pus.
No:1661 - supraventricular
situated or occurring above the ventricles, especially in an atrium
or atrioventricular node.
No:1662 - surdity
(L. surditas) deafness.
No:1663 - surgical
of, pertaining to, or correctable by surgery.
No:1664 - suspension
- (L. suspensio) 1. a condition of temporary cessation, as of
animation, of pain, or of any vital process. 2. a preparation of
a finely divided drug intended to be incorporated (suspended) in
some suitable liquid vehicle before it is used, or already
incorporated in such a vehicle.
No:1665 - sympathetic
(Gr. sympathtikos) 1. pertaining to, caused by, or exhibiting
sympathy. 2. a sympathetic nerve or the sympathetic nervous
No:1666 - sympathomimetic
(sympathetic + Gr. mimtikos imitative) 1. mimicking the effects of
impulses conveyed by adrenergic postganglionic fibres of the
sympathetic nervous system. 2. an agent that produces effects
similar to those of impulses conveyed by adrenergic postganglionic
fibres of the sympathetic nervous system. Called also adrenergic.
No:1667 - symptom
(L. symptoma; Gr. symptoma anything that has befallen one) any
subjective evidence of disease or of a patient's condition, i.e.
such evidence as perceived by the patient; a change in a patient's
condition indicative of some bodily or mental state.
No:1668 - symptomatic
(Gr. symptomatikos) 1. pertaining to or of the nature of a symptom.
2. indicative (of a particular disease or disorder). 3. exhibiting
the symptoms of a particular disease but having a different cause.
4. directed at the allying of symptoms, as symptomatic treatment.
No:1669 - symptomatology
1. that branch of medicine with treats of symptoms; the systematic
discussion of symptoms. 2. the combined symptoms of a disease.
No:1670 - synaptic
pertaining to or affecting a synapse (= site of functional
apposition between neurons, at which an impulse is transmitted from
one neuron to another by electrical or chemical means); pertaining
to synapsis (= pairing off in point-for-point association of
homologous chromosomes from the male and female pronuclei during
the early prophase of meiosis).
No:1671 - syncope
a temporary suspension of consciousness due to generalized cerebral
schemia, a faint or swoon.
No:1672 - syndrome
(Gr. syndrom concurrence) a set of symptoms which occur together;
the sum of signs of any morbid state; a symptom complex. In
genetics, a pattern of multiple malformations thought to be
pathogenetically related).
No:1673 - synergistic
acting together; enhancing the effect of another force or agent.
No:1674 - synovial
(L. synovialis) of pertaining to, or secreting synovia.
No:1675 - synovitis
inflammation of a synovial membrane. It is usually painful,
particularly on motion, and is characterized by a fluctuating
swelling due to effusion within a synovial sac. Synovitis is
qualified as fibrinous, gonorrhoeal, hyperplastic, lipomatous,
metritic, puerperal, rheumatic, scarlatinal, syphilitic,
tuberculous, urethral, etc.
No:1676 - synthesis
(Gr. 'a putting together, composition') 1. the artificial building
up of a chemical compound, by the union of its elements or from
other suitable starting materials. 2. in psychiatry, the
integration of the various elements of the personality; the
opposite of analysis.
No:1677 - systematic
(Gr. systmatikos) pertaining or according to a system.
No:1678 - systemic
pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole.
No:1679 - systolic
(of blood pressure) indicating the maximum arterial pressure during
contraction of the left ventricle of the heart.
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