English dictionary of medical terms (85)
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No:1680 - tachyarrhythmia
(tachy- + a neg. + Gr. rhythmos rhythm) tachycardia associated with
an irregularity in the normal heart rhythm.
No:1681 - tachycardia
(tachy- + Gr. kardia heart) excessive rapidity in the action of the
heart; the term is usually applied to a heart rate above 100 per
minute and may be qualified as atrial, junctional (nodal), or
ventricular, and as paroxysmal.
No:1682 - tachyphylaxis
(tachy- + Gr. phylaxis protection) 1. rapid immunization against
the effect of toxic doses of an extract or serum by previous
injection of small doses. 2. rapidly decreasing response to a drug
or physiologically active agent after administration of a few
No:1683 - tardive
(Fr. 'tardy, late') marked by lateness, late; said of a disease in
which the characteristic lesion is late in appearing.
No:1684 - telangiectasia
(tele-(1) + ectasia) permanent dilation of preexisting blood
vessels (capillaries, arterioles, venules), creating small focal
red lesions, usually in the skin or mucous membranes. Called also
No:1685 - tendency
a presumptive course of future behaviour in continuation of
observed acts and attitudes.
No:1686 - tendinitis
inflammation of tendons and of tendon-muscle attachments.
No:1687 - tenesmus
(L.; Gr. teinesmos) straining, especially ineffectual and painful
straining at stool or in urination.
No:1688 - tenosynovitis
inflammation of a tendon sheath.
No:1689 - tensio-active
having an effect on surface tension.
No:1690 - tension
(L. tensio; Gr. tonos) 1. the act of stretching. 2. the condition
of being stretched or strained; the degree to which anything is
stretched or strained. 3. voltage. 4. the partial pressure of a
gas in a fluid, e.g., of oxygen in blood.
No:1691 - teratogenic
tending to produce anomalies of formation, or teratism (= anomaly
of formation or development : condition of a monster).
No:1692 - teratologic, teratological
pertaining to teratology (= division of embryology and pathology
which deals with abnormal development and congenital malformations.
No:1693 - terminal
(L. terminalis) 1. forming or pertaining to an end; placed at the
end. 2. a termination, end, or extremity.
No:1694 - test
1. a significant chemical reaction. 2. a reagent. For specific
No:1695 - testicular
pertaining to a testis.
No:1696 - tetanus
(Gr. tetanos, from tenein to stretch) 1. an acute, often fatal
infectious disease caused by the anaerobic, spore-forming bacillus
Clostridium tetani; the agent most often enters the body through
contaminated puncture wounds(e.g. those caused by metal nails, wood
splinters, or insect bites), although other portals of entry
include burns, surgical wounds, cutaneous ulcers, injections sites
of drug abusers, the umbilical stump of neonates (t; neonatorum),
and the postpartum uterus. 2. physiological tetanus; a state of
sustained muscular contraction without periods of relaxation caused
by repetitive stimulation of the motor nerve trunk at frequencies
so high that individual muscle twitches are fused and cannot be
distinguished from one another; called also tonic spasm and tetany.
No:1697 - tetany
1. hyperexcitability of nerves and muscles due to decrease in
concentration of extracellular ionized calcium, which may be
associated with such conditions as parathyroid hypofunction,
vitamin D deficiency, and alkalosis or result from ingestion of
alkaline salts; it is characterized by carpopedal spasm, muscular
twitching and cramps, laryngospasm with inspiratory stridor,
hyperreflexia and choreiform movements. 2. tetanus.
No:1698 - thalamus
(L.; Gr. thalamos inner chamber) (NA) either of two large, ovoid
masses, consisting chiefly of grey substance, situated one on each
side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the third
ventricle. It is divided into two major parts : dorsal and
ventral, each of which contains many nuclei.
No:1699 - theoretical
of, pertaining to, or consisting in theory; not practical
(distinguished from applied).
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