English dictionary of medical terms (12)
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No:220 - automatism
(Gr. automatismos self-action) aimless and apparently undirected
behaviour that is not under conscious control and is performed
without conscious knowledge; seen in psychomotor epilepsy,
catatonic schizophrenia, psychogenic fugue, and other conditions.
Called also automatic behaviour.
No:221 - autonomic
self-controlling; functionally independent.
No:222 - azoospermia
(a neg. + zoosperm) absence of spermatozoa in the semen, or failure
of formation of spermatozoa.
No:223 - azotemia
(azote + Gr. haima blood + -ia) an excess of urea or other
nitrogenous compounds in the blood.
No:224 - bacillus
(L. 'little rod') a genus of bacteria of the family Bacillaceae,
including large aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, spore-forming,
rod-shaped cells, the great majority of which are gram-positive and
motile. The genus is separated into 48 species, of which three are
pathogenic, or potentially pathogenic, and the remainder are
saprophytic soil forms. Many organisms historically called
Bacillus are now classified in other genera.
No:225 - bacteraemia
(Gr. baktrion little rod + haima blood) the presence of bacteria
in the blood.
No:226 - bactericide
an agent that destroys bacteria.
No:227 - bacteriologic, bacteriological
pertaining to bacteriology.
No:228 - bacteriostatic
1. inhibiting the growth or multiplication of bacteria. 2. an
agent that inhibits the growth or multiplication of bacteria.
No:229 - bacteroid
(bacteria + Gr. eidos form) 1. resembling a bacterium. 2. a
structurally bacterium.
No:230 - balanitis
(balano- + -itis) inflammation of the glans penis; it is usually
associated with phimosis.
No:231 - barrier
an obstruction.
No:232 - basal
pertaining to or situated near a base.
No:233 - base
(L., Gr., basis) in chemistry, the nonacid part of a salt; a
substance that combines with acids to form salts; a substance that
dissociates to give hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions; a
substance whose molecule or ion can combine with a proton (hydrogen
ion); a substance capable of donating a pair of electrons (to an
acid) for the formation of a coordinate covalent bond.
No:234 - benign
(L. benignus) not malignant; not recurrent; favourable for
No:235 - betablocker
a drug that induces adrenergic blockade at either ß1- or ß2-adrenergic receptors or
at both.
No:236 - betamimetic
stimulating or mimicking the stimulation of the beta-adrenergic
receptors of the sympathetic nervous systems; an agent that so
No:237 - bilateral
(bi- + L. latus side) having two sides, or pertaining to both
No:238 - biliary
pertaining to the bile, to the bile ducts, or to the gallbladder.
No:239 - bioavailability
the degree to which a drug or other substance becomes available to
the target tissue after administration.
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